chapter 1

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Chapter 1

One day in Australia there was this teenage boy ridding his bike to school his name is louis meanwhile when Louis was riding to school with his mate Harley while the too boys were ridding Louis spotted something Louis said "Harley look at this" Harley answered

"what is that "Louis picks up the weird thing he takes it with Him. Louis drops the thing and he didn't even notice. Meanwhile the boys were ridding they made it to school they park their bikes in the bike racks and meet some friends they all wait till the school bell rings. At 8:55 they all start making their ways to their first-class Louis first class was numeracy (bell ring) louis makes his way to his next class. An hour passes by Louis makes his way to meet up with Harley asks Louis "do you have any food?"

Louis replies" yes I do have food here have this" Louis hands Harley his some of his recces snack the bell rings they all go to their next classes. 2 hours pass by. The school bell ring all of the students yell "yay its lunch time Louis runs out to go see Harley and go play with him Louis says " my gosh  only one more lesson already that went quick" the end of lunch bell rings lets get on with my last class louis makes his way to his last class what a surprise it's with his friend Harley when the bell went to say it was the end of today. Louis made his way towards the bike racks louis unlocks his bike and waits for his friend Harley. after When Harley arrived  Harley went over to louis. while they were riding back to louis membered  that he had picked up a small pass when he was going to school when louis and Harley got back to louis.

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