Chapter 1: The Tower

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You have been traveling for a while to reach the tower of mystery. No one knew about the tower that mysteriously appeared long ago. You heard many stories of the tower that will grant whatever you wish for. You also heard that whoever entered inside was never seen again. No one ever came back out.

Out of curiosity, you wondered if the tower will grant you a wish. You have no particular desire or goal. Just simple curiosity about the tower.

What's inside?

Do people live there?

What happened to the people who went in?

What was at the very top?

You had always wondered.

You stood outside the entrance of the tower and looked up. You placed your hand on the door and a glowing light engulfed your hand and soon, your whole body.

This was the beginning of your story.


You stumbled on your way in. Immediately, you felt a change of energy in the air. The air you used to breathe in and the air inside the tower felt different in a sense but you couldn't understand what. You looked around you to see a horizon of tall, yellow grass and a blue sky. Right away, you could tell that the sky was artificial and was nothing like the true sky outside.

There was no doubt that you're finally inside the tower.

A path was laid out in front of you as you move deeper into the fields. At last, your feet hit something that contradicted the beautiful, peaceful field.

A dead body.

You bent down and touched the body. He seemed to be killed recently. After coming this far, it seemed perfectly normal to see a few dead bodies. You looked around to see if anyone was around.

No one was within sight.

You searched his body and found a dull dagger and an orb. What is this? Immediately, the orb displays text with instructions once I picked it up. This orb was called a pocket. It has multiple functions like translating languages and communicating. Here it says, every regular who starts at the tower will receive an E-rank pocket. Were you supposed to automatically get one? Who gives these out anyways? The fact that you don't have one, suggest that you take this guy's pocket. But this guy died at the very beginning so there's a high chance that this pocket was unused. Well, let's try it out.

"Invisible Mode."

The pocket disappeared from your side. You were right about it being unused. Without this pocket, you would be lost in whatever you were supposed to do.

You observed the pocket. Apparently, it says that you are currently on the second floor of the tower. Huh? What happened to the first floor? You were clearly outside on ground level when you first came in.

Just then, an announcement was broadcasted, "Attention all regulars! Welcome to Evankhell's 2nd Floor! We shall have a Deathmatch Test! There are 200 regulars in total! You guys will pass if you survive within 30 minutes! Good luck!"

You readied your knife to defend yourself but there's absolutely no one in sight. How were there 200 people??

You walked around, hoping to find at least one person. You did find people but they were all dead. You ended up walking around for the past 30 minutes without encountering anyone.

An announcement came up, "Everyone freeze! 30 minutes are up! Those who survived passed the test!"

You couldn't help but feel disappointed that you didn't encounter anyone to fight. Your hands were itching to use your dagger.

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