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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

Only mom can tell who tried to kill her but she is not waking up. If it was not Arthur then who would it be? I don't trust Arthur but he showed the cctv footage of him being in the hospital at that time. I cannot make him a suspect without any proof. I don't even know if he could do something worst like this. He loved mom, right? Am I missing a big piece here? I cannot waste my time. I left the hospital and went to our house. I arrive and close the door behind me. I saw my mom's jacket on the couch, I couldn't stop my emotion and I started crying. I pull the jacket closer to my body and hug it. It sounds very weird but I was not in a stable mood. After that I went into the bathroom and wash my face. I tie my hair into a ponytail. I will find the person who tried to kill my mom, myself. The police are gonna do nothing and I don't trust police anymore. The police didn't do anything when we tell them that my father abuse me and my mother. They make it look like that we are the culprit and my dad is a god. Most of the policemen were corrupted. I knew why did they back off. At that time my dad was with a gang. They called themselves, 'el cráneo de sangre' it was a very dangerous gang. They would brutally kill people whoever used to step on their line. My father was a very trusted member of that gang. Even the police were scared of him. I don't know if he is still in the gang. Wait, my father? What if he tried to kill mom? No but why would he do that? He don't have any reason to kill mom. I know he hate us but he would never kill us. Part of me wants to belief it but another part of me was scared and hurt. I grab my phone and went inside my mother's room. If I could find something, I know it will be here. My mom always cleans her room, she has OCD. She loves everything clean and clear. her side table was clean and not like mine. There were lots of medicine. She has lots of diseases, so it makes sense. She never used to let me know about her pain. I guess that is what mother is. I need to have a clue,
mom know something. I know it. I search her cupboard. It was just her clothes and dresses. She is a shopaholic so there were lots of clothes. I search the drawers and the bathroom too. But there was this one drawer which was closed and I don't know where the key was. I didn't have her phone because it was with the police. They take all those things under their custody. I search for the key but it was hard to find. Then I remember my mom hide most of her secrets in a box inside the kitchen cupboard. She thinks that nobody will find it. I wish I find the key there. I quickly ran downstairs. I open the cupboard and saw that same lime green box. I open it and saw lots of stuff. Well mom also hides some of her favourite chocolates here. After some second I found the silver key. I ran back to her room. Maybe this key is the door to my answers. If Arthur is not the culprit then with whom mom was going to meet? I unlock the drawer. I take a deep breath, I was kinda nervous. I slowly open it. I hope there is something. The first thing I saw was a picture torn in half. It was a picture of dad and mom. They were looking happy. I thought she had get rid of everything which belongs to dad or anything related to him. I guess I was wrong. There was a dimond ring, which I can absolutely recognize. It was her engagement ring. I saw dad's watch too.Then there were some files with some documents. But the worst thing that catches my eyes was a piece of cloth with dried blood and a piece of paper. I was shaking at this point. Why their is a cloth with dried blood? I was scared. Even the paper had some of the blood on it. To be honest I was really scared. The paper looked very rusty and old. I guess my mom knew a lot. Am I missing something? I think mom never forgot dad. She still loves him. Moreover she got herself into something horrifying. With my trembling hand I unfold the piece of paper. I was shocked and speechless. The only thing I saw was, 'call the Cooper's, they can help you'. This sentence was repeated again and again. Cooper's? In the sense Elijah Cooper? The famous Cooper family? All of them are connected. What is going on? Am I losing my mind? There is something. The Cooper's know something. They know a lot of things. They know very well about Ben. No he is not there friend. Elijah is lying. I don't trust him anymore. He know more than anyone. Did Elijah kill my mom? No no, it is not true. But why it says that they can help? What are they gonna help with? I guess the only way to find out is to call the boss. I was kinda suffocating. I pick up my phone and without thinking once I call Elijah. I don't care if he gets angry. It's about my mom now.

Elijah: Hello, the worst will be over Nora. How are you? Did you take rest?

Nora: Did you kill my mom? Are you related with my family by anyhow? Please do not lie Elijah Cooper.

Elijah: Why would I kill your mom? Are you drunk or something? You know I am still your boss, right? Do not ever talk to me like that.

Nora: Yes why don't you say all those things on the police face. Because if you know anything you are gonna go to jail and I don't care if you are my boss because I am quitting.

Elijah: What? Listen Nora I have nothing to do with your mother and you cannot quit, remember the contract?

Nora: I need an explanation or else I am going to destroy your life.

I hung up after that. He was blabbering about something but I didn't pay attention to it. I am sure he knows something. For a split of second I heard shakiness and nervousness in his voice. He would speak out, sooner or later.

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