umm..idk werewolf

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A/N: I've. Always. Wanted to write about. Werewolf and blah blah, them falling I'm love. And all that good stuff, have fun!

"Please pass your papers to the person in front of you. You all had a whole two weeks to finish this assignment so I hope I don't get any excuses" My English teacher, Mrs. Parnell, said with a very stern look.

Being the super nerd that I was, I finished the assignment the day it was given to us. There isn't much I do in my spare time anyway so it didn't cut into my social life. Retrieving my book report from my folder, I handed it to the girl who was sitting in front of me. With a sigh, I was just happy that it was Thursday and the weekend was coming. I could spend my weekend finishing up my history report that was due on Tuesday.

Glancing at the clock, there was still fifteen minutes to spare before this school day would officially be over.

"Do you have a question Mr. James?" Mrs. Parnell asked.

My head slightly turned right to look back at Peter James.

His hand went down once Mrs. Parnell gave him her attention. "Jace isn't here but he gave me his paper to turn in. Is that cool?" he asked.

The classroom was quiet as everyone watched Peter ask his question. Even I had the same adoration in my eyes as the idiot girls I was surrounded by. Peter James was a very well-known and respected student here at Dalley High.

"Why couldn't Mr. Spear attend class?" Mrs. Parnell asked annoyance clear in her voice. Peter look and sounded equally annoyed as he answered her. "He has some family issues that he is dealing with at the moment but he didn't want his hard work to go unnoticed" he said holding up a pile of stapled papers that I could assume was Jace's book report.

Mrs. Parnell narrowed her eyes at Peter as he flashed the most adorable smile.

How could she turn him down now?

"Yes Mr. James, hand me his report" Mrs. Parnell said walking to the back and collecting the work. "But I would like you to send him a message as well. Come to class" She said before turning and heading back to the front of the class.

I never paid much attention until now but Jace rarely missed English class. He was hard to miss. Not only was he super attractive but just like Peter, he was well respected.

With their exchange finally over, the class went back to lightly chatting with each other with Peter high fiving Taylor on his successful outcome with Mrs. Parnell. I could not get the fact that Jace was absent out of my mind. I could not understand why I cared.

Earlier today, invitations had been passed out for Jace's eighteenth birthday party tomorrow night. The entire school usually got invited but that did not mean everyone showed up.

I was in the category of not showing up.

Peter always had a big party for Jace at his house and I was never in attendance.

Parties were not my thing and I was never in the mood to go toe to toe with my old friends. A lot had changed since I entered high school and that also meant friends came and went. I use to fit it with some of these girls but now, not so much.

My view of a good time and their view of a good time were completely different. Now that we aren't friends, they treat me like the enemy.

I must have been in my own zone for a while because the bell rang bringing me back to reality.

"Everyone have a great rest of the day. Remember to pick out a new book for class tomorrow" Mrs. Parnell said as everyone scurried to leave, including me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2012 ⏰

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