• I WISH •

309 17 48

Friday, 9 pm

After an eventful day, Jeongin was sitting alone in his room.
Deciding if he should click on his notification or not. A notification from this someone....


A video started to play....

" Hey innie.........How are you? I hope you're fine....."

"H-how....can I be fine hyung" Jeongin muttered nearly inaudible

" If you receive this, it means......it happened...."

A tear rolled down Jeongin's cheek

" You know, before you came into my life, everything was so so cold.......everyone seemed cold. I was alone for quite a long time.......I thought I'll never be able to see the light like others.......because darkness just took over me."

More words, more tears came from Jeongin's eyes

" But thankfully you came, you showed a light that I thought didn't exist........you showed me what life meant.
Every single time you hugged me, I felt so warm dispite the cold world around me, I felt so secure with your arms wrapped around me just like nothing could hurt me when I am with you.
Whenever you smile, my day just becomes better......"

Jeongin couldn't hold it in anymore, his tears kept on falling more and more

" Your laugh is just like music to my ears, I could listen to it every single day.
You really make me happy innie........... you are my happiness, don't ever forget that...

I love you Yang Jeongin, I wish I could tell it to you face to face....I really wish it.
Thinking of it I could have done that but I guess I was too dumb huh "

The boy from the video showed a small sad smile while Jeongin was crying his heart out.
"Very dumb hyung.........so so dumb"

" But sadly I will not be able to do it now.
I miss you Jeongin, so so much "

A tear could be seen on the boy's cheek in the video

" Thank you innie for being there for me, for helping me, for making me smile, for being the light of my life........for holding on to me.
I-I'm sorry I couldn't tell it to you, I wish I could but I can't.

I wish I could be with you, I wish I could hold you for one last time but I can't...."

Jeongin didn't want to believe what happened.....but it was real, he was not here......not anymore

" Ahhhhh what a sad life isn't it? None of my wish would be fulfilled.......
I'm sorry Jeongin-a but I've tried you know.
M-maybe........ I didn't hold on to myself enough....
It's tiring, very tiring and painful...

I-I'm just tired of trying, I can't hold it anymore.......

I'm sorry "

Only one thought in Jeongin's mind
Why wasn't he here with him? Why does it has to be like this? Why??

" I-I'm sorry I left your side, I'm sorry I didn't hold on tightly, I'm sorry I couldn't continue...........I'm really sorry......
But I don't want to suffer anymore because it's painful.......so so painful.
If only I was as strong as you, maybe things could be different.......

but I'm weak,

I'm the one who left."

Jeongin missed him, he wanted to hold him as tightly as he could....but he can't now

" Promise me innie that you'll live happily, you'll realise all your dreams, you'll fulfill your wishes, promise me that you'll keep that smile of yours, the one that lit up my life......promise me that you'll be happy...."

Jeongin wished for him to be here, sadly this one wish will not be fulfilled but he managed to say with a smile but a sad one
" I promise hyung, I will"

" I will not be able to see it but I know you can do it, you're Yang Jeongin after all, the one who helped me see the light, the one who made me smile, the one who believed in me.....

Yang Jeongin,

I loved you, I love you and I will forever love you with all my heart,

You're my first, only and last love.

I'll always be with you, not in person but in your heart.

Thank you for everything innie,

Goodbye, you'll always be my best memory.

Jeongin couldn't help but cry until there was no more tear left.

" I love you Hwang Hyunjin, I will always love you........

Goodbye Hyung"


• I WISH • // Hyunin Where stories live. Discover now