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Hello! Just wanted to say that this book had help from deanna_winchester_. Just saying so I don't feel bad for not giving you any credit for helping me :3

The sound of the Impala was the only thing I could focus on. I had been contemplating for days about Michael's bargain. I needed a distraction. Anything to get his stupid voice out of my head. I saw a Gas N' Sip and pulled over. Once I had filled Baby up, I went inside to pay. The local newspaper grabbed my attention out of the corner of my eye. I grinned with excitement. This was just what I needed. A case to get my head clear. The clerk's voice grabbed my attention back to reality, "The newspaper too?" I nodded and handed him the paper.

Once I paid, I ran back out to the Impala where Sammi was sound asleep. I clenched a fist and pounded on the roof. "Waky waky, sunshine. We got a case." I shouted. Sammi jerked awake and glared at me. "You seriously want to work a case with everything going on?" I smiled and got in the driver's seat, throwing the paper at Sammi. "Hell yeah. You think I'm gonna sit around twiddling my thumbs?" Sam got a look on her face that said she thought I was crazy. She folded out the paper and read the headline out loud, "Two teens found dead at Amis Mills. Okay, tragic, but it doesn't sound like our thing." My smile grew bigger, "Keep reading."

"Kelsey Johnson and Zachary Wilson were found mutilated in the ruins of Amis Mills. Contrary to a crowded restaurant across the road, there were no witnesses and no one reported hearing anything unusual." She furrowed her brow and looked at me. "Fine, so it is our thing."

Sam put the news paper onto the dash board and grabbed a pen from the glove compartment. She circled the information she just read and made a mental note that it was on page 3. "So two teens mutilated in the ruins of a mill, with no witnesses what so ever?" Samantha can't help but ask in a questioning voice as she looks over at Deanna and  puts the pen back into the glove compartment. "This should be interesting." She sighed heavily with out meaning to as she leaned back into the seat of the impala,  the car she spent a lot of time in.

We needed somewhere to stay, so I stopped at the first motel I saw. Sammi and I walked into the check-in office. The clerk smiled when she saw us, "Oh, hello. I hardly ever see new faces around here. Where are two beautiful women like you comin' from?" Sammi and I exchanged looks, "Uh, we just came out of Atlanta." I lied, "You know I've seen my fair share of small towns, but you have to take the cake." I continued as I set down my credit card.

She laughed and grabbed it, writing the name down that was on the card. "Yes, well, Rogersville is just one of those towns I guess. Everybody knows everybody and no one seems to know where the hell we are. Twin beds, or one?" Sammi looked at me, taken back. I just giggled and kept on with the conversation, "Twin beds, please." She nodded and turned around. She grabbed a key off the wall and handed it to me. "Here you go, dear." I nodded a thank you in return. We left and went back out to the car. "Hey, you get the bags alright? I'm gonna go change into the fed clothes to go talk to the owners of the restaurant." I said as I grabbed my horrid pants suit. I walked off, feeling the hole being burned in the back of my head by Sam.

I walked up to the matching door and put the key in. I turned it and looked at would be our room for the next week or so. It was just like the others I had seen over a million times. Twin beds with a night table in between and a lamp on top. The couch was newer than the rest of the furniture, and the tv looked like it hadn't been turned on in years. I shrugged and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

As I was getting undressed, I heard Sam come stumbling into the room. Probably about to fall from all the bags.

I smiled and continued on with taking off my pants. Once everything was off, I rolled my eyes at the stupid pants suit I'd have to wear. The last one, the one I actually liked, got ruined by vamp blood splattering all over it. So, this is the one I had to resort to. Once I got it on, I noticed how itchy the grey material was. I was definitely gonna have to get another one. I brushed my hair back into an adequate professional bun and corrected some makeup that was smudged. I walked out and felt the glare of Sam. "What?" I asked defensively. She cocked her head, "So I'm on corpse duty while you get to go talk to the cute manager at the restaurant?" She asked. I could tell she was pissed. "I don't know what your talking about." I said with a shrug.

"Oh, don't give me that crap. I know you looked on the restaurant's website and saw the pictures of the employees." She crossed her arms and stood up. I laughed as I grabbed my keys. "Don't get all pissy. I'm older, I call the shots." She laughed and went in the bathroom, slamming the door. I laughed and stood outside, "Alright, Ms. Sunshine. Can you find your way to the morgue?" Apparently she wasn't talking to me. "Okay then. Guess so. Have fun."

I walked outside to the car and got in. I was just about to put the key in, when I heard, "Hello, Deanna." I jumped and dropped my keys. I clenched my jar as I looked over, "God dammit, Cas. What did I tell you about doing that?" She looked at me, confused, as always. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to upset you. We must talk." I rolled my eyes and reached for my keys.

Finally being able to grab them, I put the keys in the ignition and drove in the direction of Amis Mills. "What do ya want to talk about, Cas?" I looked over at her. Her short black hair was more messy as usual. Almost looked like sex hair. She looked at me, I could tell that she was uncomfortable to tell me. "Have you been thinking of Michael's deal?"

I shook my head, "You call that a deal? I'll be a vegetable and half the world will die. Oh, how could I say no?" I said sarcastically. She squinted her eyes, still not fully grasping the idea of sarcasm. "So, you do intend on saying yes?" I rolled my eyes. Every minute of this conversation was getting more and more on my nerves. "No. I don't intend to. There's always another way, Cas. We just got to find it."

"You do understand the magnitude of this, don't you? Heaven is growing restless-" I put my hand up to silence her. "Look, I don't need this right now, okay? I'm on a case. I- I'm clearing my head. Which means, no Michael or Lucifer talk. In fact, I don't even want to hear anything related to Heaven." I could see out of the corner of my eye that she has shut her mouth.

I pulled up in the parking lot of Amis Mills restaurant. I looked over to see Cas was gone. Guess I must've hurt her feelings. Oh well, I could make it up to her later. I got out of the car, but I caught something out of the corner of my eye. I noticed a river across the road, along with the remains of what looked like a house. The chimney and the corners of the brick walls were the only thing that was still standing.

I walked up the stairs to the small restaurant. Even this early in the day, it was crowded. A young waitress walked up to me, "Hello, welcome to Amis Mills. Table for one?" I pulled out my fed ID and held it up, "No. I'd like to talk to the manager, please." She nodded and ran off to the back.

The people in the restaurant were glaring at me. Guess they didn't like new faces. The next minute, the same manager I'd seen on the website appeared. He was even cuter in person. "Can I help you?" Again, I showed my badge, "Special Agent Romanoff, FBI. I've come to ask you some questions about the double homicide that happened across the street a few nights ago." He looked confused, "Uh, we can talk in the back office. Follow me."

He lead the way to a small office and closed the door. "Uh, what do you want to know? I've told the police that I didn't see anything." I looked around, noticing a bookcase in the corner. It was covered in dust, all except one spot in front of a particular book. "Yes, I've read the report. I actually came to ask you a few questions about the history here." He furrowed his brow and cocked his head, "Why do you want to know about that?"

I smirked, "The FBI is very thorough. We like to look at it from all angles." The young man shrugged and sat down in the chair behind the desk. "Well, in 1787 this land used to be owned by Dr. Frank Amis and his wife Nora. They also owned the mill that was right off of their property line. That's the ruins that's still across the street to this day. Dr. Amis would work out of their mansion for appointments, while Nora would tend to the land. Their land was her pride and joy, and it was said that if she ever caught trespassers vandalizing it, she would catch them, and bring them to her husband. He would torture them for days before killing them. Their bodies were never found and it was never known how many people they killed. They were sick people, definitely."

I clenched my jaw and glared at him, "And I suppose that's not the story you tell to your customers." He laughed, looking at me like I was crazy, "Are you kidding me? We'd be out of business. No we tell them a happier version." I raised my eyebrows, "Okay, well good luck with that. Thank you for your cooperation. I'm sure we'll see each other again." I opened the door and got out of there, fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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