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After playing around in the water with minho, jisung started to get tired so the two decided to go home. They were currently in the taxi where jisung was sleeping soundly while leaning on Minho's arm. The older male knew jisung was out past his curfew and didn't want the younger to get in trouble trying to sneak back in, so he decided to just take the younger to his apartment.

Once the taxi arrived at Minho's apartment, the older payed the driver then picked jisung up bridal style. He didn't have trouble carrying the younger up the many flights of stairs because he was as light as a feather. He did have trouble unlocking the door while trying not to drop the male who was asleep. After a bit of struggling minho finally got the door open and went inside. He made his way to his room and carefully laid jisung on his bed. While carrying jisung, minho noticed that the boys clothes were still wet so he went to his closet and got a shirt and sweats for him. He didn't want to wake the younger up so he took his pants and shirt off and put the clean clothes on him.

After getting jisung in his clothes and changing himself into different clothes, minho grabbed a blanket and pillow from his bed and was about to go sleep on the couch until he heard something.

"Stay with me, minho." Jisung said half asleep.

"Are you sure?" Minho asked not sure if the boy was sleep talking or being for real.

"Yes, lay with me." Jisung demanded and minho put the pillow and blanket back on the bed not wanting to refuse the youngers words. Minho got settled in the bed next to jisung and pulled the blanket over his body.

"I had fun today." The younger male said with a soft and tired voice.

"So did I." Minho replied with a smile as he remembered the time the two spent together. Not too long after minho said those words, jisung snuggles up into Minho's chest and continued to sleep. The older wrapped his arms around jisungs waist loosely and also fell asleep for the night with a small smile on his face.

Jisung woke up the next morning feeling arms wrapped around him. He looked up and saw a sleeping Minho. The small male stared at the beautiful man above him until he also woke up.

"Morning~" jisung said as Minho rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Morning to you too." Minho replied as he leaned down to give jisung a kiss, but before their lips touched jisung phone dinged. The younger turned and grabbed his phone seeing that he had multiple messages from his parents and hyunjin. The messages from hyunjin were mainly the same saying "your parents are looking for you." And "I said you were with me but they don't believe me." And "they're worried."

"Shit!" Jisung cussed and more messages from his parents flooded in saying "where are you?" And "we're worried." And "please come home."  Jisung was quick to get out of Minho's bed and grab his clothes off the floor. He quickly changed back into them not caring if Minho was watching him.

"What's wrong?" Minho asked worried about the frantic boy in front of him.

"I forgot to tell my parents that I wasn't coming home cuz I fell asleep." He said while running out of Minho's room and to the door.

"I'll see you later!" The younger yelled as he ran out of Minho's apartment and to his house. Minho chuckled and thought to himself as he looked through the window seeing the younger running away.

Han jisung, I think you're the one.

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