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And there’s another tear to follow the previous. She’s quick to wipe it away; delicate fingers forming a fist as she brings it to her eyes. Chocolate brown hues rip from her own image and there’s an audible groan from the young teen. She’s careful to be quiet; any form of distress and her twin would come running. An appreciative gesture, but not something Dipper needed. Not something she wanted for that matter.Mabel was far more caring than she needed to be, and at that moment, not even the thought of her sister could pull Dipper from the thought of the matter at hand. Long fingers run through a messy braid and once again she groans, leaning against the counter for support. 


She doesn’t phrase it as a question; it’s more of a statement. She knew why. She knew why this had to happen to her. Dipper knew why this had to happen to her; it had happened before. Strange impulses as those the teen now struggled with had been much easier to ignore when she was younger, but now the matter seemed inevitable. 


Technically, she’s not allowed to say that. Grunkle Stan would most likely kill her before she’d even gotten the second vowel out, and yet she doesn’t care. 


 Louder this time. It’s almost a plea for her death. 


And she’s crying. Tears slip down her cheeks and she doesn’t even make an attempt to stop them. It’s all a blur to her as she turns, back to the counter, and slowly begins to fall. She can hear the pounding at the door and knows her uncle has heard her, yet she makes no attempt to stand. 

And then it’s quiet. Her sobs have turned to silent tears and shaky breaths and the pounding at the bathroom door had left as soon as it had come. Dipper is quiet for a minute more, waiting for signs of anyone on the other side. When she’s sure that all is clear, she’s careful to stand. Shaky fingers grip tightly to the edge of the counter before she pulls herself up and eventually she can’t help but smile. Her reflection grins back at her and in a moment she knows EXACTLY why she’s about to do what she’s doing. The smile fades as quickly as it had come and Dipper hesitates for only a minute, fingers griping to her braid with a hateful grip, and then it’s gone. 

Falling, falling








until her hair is dust in the wind. 

                                  And for the first time in weeks he smiles. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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