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**Y/N's POV**

It was early afternoon, and you were wandering through the halls of your mansion. Yes, mansion... that *damn* mansion you never wanted in the first place.

You see, you were the daughter of General Lieutenant Guren, and yes, *his* daughter. Your dad worked tirelessly to keep you hidden away from the war between the Ichinose and Hiragi families, not to mention the ongoing conflict between humans and vampires—or as you called it, "The War Between All Creatures." If that even made sense.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Your mother, Mahiru, gave birth to you in high school, and from that moment on, your parents did everything to keep you hidden. Your father even assigned bodyguards to protect you, switching them out every single week, and eventually, they bought you a mansion.

A GODDAMN MANSION YOU DIDN'T EVEN WANT... OKAY, YOU LIKED IT, BUT YOU DIDN'T NEED IT! After all, you were perfectly capable of protecting yourself.

Your parents always promised that, whether they had money or not, they'd still love each other—and you. But the reality was they had no choice but to buy that mansion for your protection. And here you are, living in that same mansion, bought when you were just a kid.

Now, back to the *main* topic—why were you pacing around the mansion when you could be sleeping, or at the very least, having tea outside in the garden with your maid by your side? The answer was simple: your dad *called* you.

In other words, trouble was heading your way. He never used the bodyguards to call you unless something serious was going on. Normally, he would come to you, hug you, and shower you with kisses. Your dad might be strict, but he's a softie—a big, strict softie.

As you walked, you stopped in front of a large door and opened it. "Dad, you called?" you asked, stepping inside and closing the door behind you.

Your dad cleared his throat before responding. "Yeah," he said, running his fingers through his hair.

"For what?" you asked, walking up to his desk and taking a seat.

"Y/N... I need to discuss something very important with you. It might make you angry," he said, looking at you with a worried expression.

"Dad, if I can handle the things you've done to the world, I can handle anything," you replied, maintaining a poker face. Little did he know, you already knew everything he'd done since you were little, and now you were *really* worried—he'd never acted like this before.

He sighed before continuing, "Well, fine... You see, one time, my friends and I were joking around about Shinya finding a lover, and Goshi mentioned something about arranging you with him." You knew your dad's friends, but they didn't know you since you never showed up and all. They didn't even believe you existed, thinking your dad was just joking.

"Mhmm," you hummed, signaling him to continue.

"Well, one day, Goshi came to me saying your grandfather Tenri and the others arranged for you to be with Shinya. I thought it was a joke at first, but just to be sure, I asked around... and, well, you *are* arranged to him," he said, closing his eyes, bracing for your anger like your mom’s or his. But you didn’t react like that.

"Okay," you said, though inside, you were *furious.* And he continued, unaware of your true feelings.

"But don't worry, we'll try to cancel it," he assured you, looking at you. "Okay, Dad, can I go now?" you asked calmly, smiling.

"Yes," he replied, impressed by your reaction. But little did he know, the moment you walked into your room was the moment your friends felt your bloodlust and aura. Since you were all connected, they could sense if any of you had strong emotions. You were the strongest among them, so let’s just say... your friends were *overseas* and they felt it—*especially* your rivals and enemies. And now they were all trembling in fear.

You sighed, let go of your aura, flopped onto your bed, and that was that.


"So, that’s why you look like you're about to become a full-on serial killer," your friend remarked as you walked together.

"Welp, this is where I stop. Bye, Y/N-chan," she said, waving as she walked toward her home.

"Bye," you mumbled, calling your bodyguard to pick you up. And that’s how your day ended: you got home, flopped onto your bed, changed clothes, and fell asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21 ⏰

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