Untitled Part 1

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It was a  2 years after the mess that was Bill Cipher's "fantastic" demon apocalypse,  Weirdmageddon, and things had been relatively peaceful since then for the Pines family. Stan was thoroughly scolded by the twins parents for "Letting them climb the water tower and then flooding the town". Mabel and Dipper adjusted back to normality, with the acceptation of Dippers rather disturbing hatred of triangles and the illuminati (Doritos were banned from parties after Dipper began screaming and shouting about how they were going to possess him and stab people with forks). Ford did , well, stuff with Stan to make up for the 30 years he was dimension hopping. It was all good and the twins were back in Gravity Falls for an action packed, demon free summer holiday. If only things went their way for once.

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"Squadron 8, two relatively large space anomalies were detected from D-345 and D-346, both a parallel of D-340, meaning that if either of these go down, the main universe will go down with them. You objective is to eliminate whatever is causing these in any way that doesn't compromise their timeline. Squadron 8, are you up to the task?" ordered a tall, bald american man, glancing at each of the girls in front of him, hovering slightly longer on the one wearing a black cap with a pink, metal spade sign glued to the centre of the fabric as she smiled psychotically at him.

"Yes sir." they repeated in unison. The girls were a mismatched bunch, one had long, navy blue hair, cascading down to her waist and wearing a sleeveless jumpsuit and white gloves. Another had grey hair and was almost transparent, with two crosses under her left eye. The one with the hat had long, straight, black hair and a pink and black hoodie on. Finally, the girl on the far left wore a pair of orange tinted shades, and an oversized jacket. The man pressed a button, opening a purple rip in space time, and told then to get going.

"Oh and Syn?" The girl with the hat looked at him. "Don't kill anyone unless necessary."

"Of course lieutenant. Nokita would've killed me if I did anyway." 

The girl with navy blue hair glared at Syn with a look that said that she'd die if anymore was said.

She was ignored and they went through the purple haze.

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Mabel and Dipper were bringing back a hostage gnome they were using to say that Mabel doesn't want to be the gnome queen, when a strange looking smoke erupted out of, seemingly nowhere. Dipper yelled for their Grunkles and soon the whole pines family where in a fighting stance waiting for whatever came out of the portal. 4 tall figures came out of the haze, one floating just above the ground, almost transparent, one's navy hair defied gravity until she snapped away the haze, one was ginning like a cheshire cat and one was striding confidently towards the Pines.

"Hello! Please don't be scared! We come here on behalf of the universe!", she said, "I am hum-"

"Char just get to the point," said the one with the navy hair. 

"Oh right. Hi. I'm Char. The ginning psychopath is Syn, the one who told me to shut up is Nokita, and the floating one is White. We are Squadron 8 of the US division for space and time anomalies. Basically we work for the government. We are here to remove 2 anomalies from 2 of your sister dimensions and it will be easier if you help us. If you don't... Syn will deal with it." 

Syn's smile seemed to wrap around her face she stared at Dipper with a bloodlust she'd only seen in a certain multidimensional dorito. He shook it off as Ford began to speak.

"But why? Why shouldn't we just wipe your memories here and now and just forget about you?"

The girl with navy hair, Nokita, began to speak. "Because if you don't, you and your parallels will be wiped from existence like a whiteboard. Quick and easy. It would be easier for us to let the world burn, but if we don't the president will call for our immediate assassination. So it would be in your best interest to help us as you don't want us dead."

"How do know we don't want you dead? What if you're criminals?"

White spoke up this time, "We were in an unfortunate situation. If you help us we can explain everything to you." She looked at Stan, "And pay you 500 dollars."

"So. Do we have a d̷̟̫̹̪̍̒̽̔̾͂͝e̴̟̜̠̿̃̃ă̴͇͎̟̗̱͔̱̏͌́͗͝l̷̨͔̏̆̋̐?" said Syn, her image flickering to something not quite human in the prosess. Dipper and Ford recoiled while Mabel and Stan stood there shocked. Where the white of her eye was it was now a midnight black with pink irises, and a pair of lilac wings stretched out behind her. Her teeth were rows of sharp triangles and her hair was a shade of violet, foaming at the edges. She began to laugh and the light dimmed a little to reveal what the wings really were. Dipper's eyes couldn't be torn away from that disgusting contortion. Instead of feathers it was made of the bloodied remains of the weapons of those whose fallen by her hands. Syn wiped away the tears that had formed at the edges of her eyes. "W̷o̷w̵.̸ ̶I̶f̶ ̷y̷o̴u̵ ̴w̵e̵r̷e̴ ̷s̴h̸o̵o̸k̸ ̸b̷y̸ ̵t̴h̸i̵s̵ ̵I̵ ̵d̶o̸n̸'̶t̶ ̵k̴n̵o̵w̸ ̵H̴O̶W̸ ̶y̴o̶u̷ ̸w̴i̴l̴l̵ ̷d̸e̷a̸l̶ ̶w̵i̶t̷h̸ ̶t̶h̸e̴ ̴n̵e̸x̶t̶ ̸2̴ ̸d̴i̴m̶e̸n̷s̶i̴o̷n̶s̶!̴", she chuckled.

Syn snapped her fingers and they were in a void mimicking the galaxy. Also Syn was back to normal. 2 screens were displayed on the back wall, contrasting the starry sky.

"It has come to my attention you don't trust us. So I've decided to tell you what we're doing. By making you trust me even less.", said Nokita, snapping her fingers with a sigh.

A tall 15 year old blonde, tied up in chains, was teleported into the room, he had dark skin and was wearing a mustard yellow jumper with the words 'I'm the Illuminati suckers' sprawled over the back. He began screaming about how he shouldn't be here and doesn't want to be discovered yet. Dipper's eyes widened in realisation.

"B-B-BILL?!?", He screamed.

"Pinetree! Perfect, mind tell me were I am 'cause it isn't on the map of the universe? And why a halfie, a poltergeist and 2 humans from 2048 decided to kidnap me? Anyone?" Snapped Bill.

"Well now everyone we need is here we'll start the briefing of why you're here, Syn you do D-45, and Nokita do D-46. And do sit, you'll need it.", Said Char, sunglasses reflecting the stars. A few armchairs appeared and they gladly sat.

Nokita began. "D-46, most commonly known as Reverse Falls, is a universe where Mabel, Ford and Dipper are Gleeful's and Patricia and Gideon are staying at the mystery shack instead. Bill is Will and is, well, Dipper's, known as Mason in this universe, slave." Bill began screaming and Nokita snapped, and a gag appeared. "Here's a clip to get yourself more familiar".

Char fiddled with the remote until the clip played.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚

So. I like. Do you?

Sorry. That makes 0 sense. Is the story ok so far? Does it make sense? If you need clarification this is basically what's just happened:

Squadron 8 has been sent to gravity falls to fix the anomalies within the GF multiverse; Reverse Falls and the transcendence au. They've taken Dipper, Mabel, Ford, Stan and Bill to prove the point that they're from a different universe. Right now they are in a pocket universe of Nokita's creation to tell them what's going on. Simple right?

Ok, thank's for reading and please tell me if it's worth writing more of this!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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A gravity falls crossover which I'm not sure what to call yetWhere stories live. Discover now