Our Summer

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Your boyfriend's parents had invited you to their beautiful beach house for a few weeks after school let out for the summer. While you were there, you hardly got to spend any alone time with Chenle. His mother insisted on you joining her on shopping sprees and reading at the beach.

On the last night of your trip, you were laying wide awake in your bed, missing your boyfriend. Just as you sighed, you heard a very soft knock on the door.  You looked at the door to see Chenle slowly opening it, poking his head in the room. His eyes would meet yours and he flashed a bright, happy smile at you. He quickly came into the room and shut the door behind him.

He then sat on your bed, making you sit up.

"Hello baby," he beamed, taking your hands into his own.

"Hi Chenle," you giggled.

He kissed your forehead,down your nose, and finally your lips.

"I missed you," you pouted

"I missed you too baby.. And I have a surprise for you!" he whispered excitedly.


"Yeah! Come on baby let's go!' he said, standing up and tugging on your hands slightl"Wait, where are we going?" you asked, suspicious.

"To the beach! Come on baby, let's go, it'll be fun! And I promise if you don't have fun, I'll buy you ice cream before we leave tomorrow, ok?" he smiled.

"But what if your parents find out?"

"They won't! They went to bed hours ago!"

"Alright then, let's go," you finally agreed.

He pulled you off the bed immediately, dragging you to the door. You were giggling and he kept shushing you, although he had the biggest smile on his face He opened it slowly and poked his head out, looking both ways in the hallway.

"All clear!" he whispered, pulling you out into the halls.

He held your hand all the way to the back door, opening it quietly. He led you to his scooter and had you sit behind him, insisting that you wrap your arms around his waist, your head nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

He drove you to the beach and after a bit of walking, you saw a bonfire with six teenagers surrounding it. Once you got closer you recognized them to be Chenle's closest friends; Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Donghyuck, Jaemin, and Jisung.

Chenle called out to them and they greeted you both excitedly. Mark handed you a stick with a marshmallow on it, and you put it over the fire. You all made s'mores and hot dogs over the bonfire with music playing, conversation and laughter blending in with it.

Chenle pulled you away and took you down to the water, stepping into it ankle-deep. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you right against him, pressing his forehead against yours.

"God I've missed you babygirl," he whispered, taking your chin in his hand, kissing your lips gently. Your touching moment didn't  last long,  it was interrupted by his rowdy friends running down to the water yelling loudly.

"Splash fight!!!!!!!" Donghyuck shouted, stomping into the water.

Mark splashed you and Chenle, laughing loudly at your screams. You both looked at each other and nodded, teaming up on Mark.

After the splash fight ended you all were soaking wet and happier than ever. Jeno had brought everyone towels and wrapped them up, making you share a towel with Chenle. He cuddled up  with you near the fire and looked at the stars happily. Jisung fell asleep on Jaemin's shoulder, and the rest of the boys were talking quietly so they wouldn't wake him up. Chenle kissed your forehead and whispered softly into your ear.

"I wish every night was like this."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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