1. A simple start for an unexpected year and an unexpected news

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The sky of the first of September was clear and sparkling blue when I had reached King's Cross station along with my family.

Me and my brothers went across the hustle and bustle of the people with our trolleys, sporting and racing against each other with our parents grinning from behind.

After loads of cackling, teasing and racing, we reached the barrier between platforms nine and ten, where my father suggested me, since I was the youngest to go first, to which my elder brother Jahan didn't agree. I stuck my tongue out to him for which he pulled my braid for revenge.

Punishment was necessary. Our eldest brother Shihad knocked him on the head.

Poor Jahan! Being the middle kid was always tough for him. Either as Shihad's sidekick or well irritated by me. Both the times always get  him in trouble.

Jahan was still scowling as we passed through the barrier. There it was! Platform nine and three quarters and our beloved Hogwarts express, shining amidst the noises of children, either laughing or moaning about being back to school.

Then I heard a familiar cry.


That was Caren, my best of best friend, running towards us, his black hair turning a happy shade of pink.

Yes! Caren is a Metamorphmagus, meaning he can change his appearance at will. He hugged me so tight that he crushed my ribs.

"Sorry!" he said. " I had missed you guys a lot this summer. So much that I couldn't hold on! "

We laughed.

The whistle blew as we hurried in with our trolleys after a few hugs and kisses from our mother. Me and Caren rushed to find an empty compartment to keep our trolleys and went on to change into our uniforms. Since it was a bit hot, we didn't put our cloaks on. Jahan went along with his fellow fifth year and Shihad went with his sixth year friends.

Me and Caren were starting our fourth year at that time.

"Know what? We're gonna have two new teachers this year, Marthalia Dode for Potions and Amander Hart for Defense Against the Dark Arts." Caren piped.

"Why? What happened to Professor Binyaka? He used to teach us nicely, doesn't he?" I asked.

I heard that during Harry Potter's time, this post, as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, was cursed job. Any teacher who applied for this job would either get sacked, die or lose their memory. But this had not happened since.... um.... maybe two decades. So why now?

"Didn't you read the Daily Prophet?" he asked me back, raising an eyebrow.

Other than dreaming of being a Quidditch Seeker, reading the Daily Prophet was my work for the summer. Since I had been doing the former all vacation, I shook my head.

Caren knew, so he took out a copy from his sack and gave it to me. It was at least two days old.

' Alerdorn Binyaka found dead in his residence: Suspects murder'

"What?!" I exclaimed. But Caren told me to continue. I read aloud -

'Alerdorn Georgere Binyaka, famed Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was found dead in his  house at 29th of August 2019. This hundred year old wizard's death was known when his wife, Hilary Binyaka returned home after visiting her friends. The cause may not be natural as there was terror on his face after demise, says Arnold Peanut, Minister of Magic, which leads to one and only one theory, that he must've been the victim of the Killing Curse. But who conjured it and why?

The Fourth Year Of Usool JahanaraWhere stories live. Discover now