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Age 7:

A small Caroline clutches her knee. She tries to fight back the tears, but the cut on her knee hurts.

"You pushed me!" A single tear falls down her cheek.

"You deserved it! You took my ball!" Tyler accused.

"It was my turn!" Caroline defended herself.

"I don't take turns!" He scowled at her.

Tyler took another step towards her, stomping his tiny feet on the way, but someone else grabbed him.

"Leave her alone!" The stranger said.

"She took my ball!"

"You pushed a girl!" Her hero said. "My momma says you shouldn't hurt a lady. I should tell my mom on you!"

"Don't tell on me!" Tyler's small voice said.

"You better say sorry and never talk to my friend again!"

"I'm sorry!" Tyler cried. The stranger held up his tiny fist in front of him.

"Don't hurt me! I said I was sorry!"

"You better be!" The stranger dropped his fist and Tyler ran away.

"My name is Klaus." The small boy grinned at Caroline. "What's yours?"

"C-ca- Caroline." She said. "Thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome." He said politely.

He extended his hand and helped Caroline onto her feet.

Klaus watched Caroline smooth out her dress and tame her blonde curls.

"That's some pretty hair you got." Klaus told her.

"My momma says it's a mess." She blushed.

"Well your momma is wrong."

Age 13:

"Come on Caroline let me inside!" Klaus banged on the bathroom door.

"You don't understand." She said. "I can't let you see this."

She couldn't understand why she was bleeding.

What did it mean? What would she tell her mom?

"We're the same, Caroline." He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure whatever it is.. It isn't a big deal."

"Klaus please." She begged him. "I just don't want to tell you."

She pinched the bridge of her nose. She absolutely could not leave this room.

"Can you go get Bonnie for me?"

Yes Bonnie. She would know what to do.

"I want to help you." He insisted.

She was getting frustrated. Klaus would not leave it alone.

"Just go away, Klaus!" She screamed at him.

She didn't understand the changes happening in her body.

She was short tempered and Klaus was absolutely on her last nerve.

He just kept insisting and she just wanted to push herself further away.

"Fine!" He told her. "I don't want to be your friend anymore!"

It hurt her to hear the words, but she couldn't ever tell him what was happening to her.

Age 16:

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