Chapter 1

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Have you ever fallen deep in love with someone?

At first, it just starts out as a slight crush. The person catches your eye and you're attracted to them. Then, before you know it, you start to fall in love with every new thing you notice about them. Whether it is their smile or the way they talk, something makes you fall head over heels. However, sometimes the sad reality is that they wouldn't notice your existence.

"Hey Aki, why do you like him so much?"

I was startled by the sudden question. Why did I like him? Well, I really didn't know how to explain it. Was it the way he would sometimes wave at me in the halls? Maybe it was how he would always be able to attract others and make friends so easily. I wish I could be that social. However it was something I was never able to do until high school started.

"Aki? You're spacing out... You don't have to answer right away idiot."

"I know..! It's just that, I can't explain WHY I like him. It's just... I like him.."

Tadashi chuckled and bluntly said "Well, if you were to ask me, I can give infinite reasons why I you."

I felt my cheeks get slightly warmer. "Tadashi! Be serious for once!" I told him.

"What makes you think I'm not serious?" he asks with a grin.

I sigh in defeat as my attention is brought to Maeda as he stands up from his seat and walks towards the door.

"How can he look so good while doing everyday things such as walking?" I ask in awe.

"Psh, he looks normal to me. In my opinion you look perfect just sitting down!"

I was about to respond to his comment when the sound of the bell ringed alerting us students that next class was about to start. I turned to Tadashi and whispered "Cmon! Don't be like that right before class starts..!" before grabbing my books and heading to my next class.

I rushed out the door and towards the science lab.

"Sato!" I heard someone call my name and I turned around to see who it was. Kaito, a boy in my art class came up to me.

"U-um..H-here are some flowers I bought for you.." Kaito quickly hands me the flowers and runs away.

I was left standing in the hallway confused but as I took a deep breathe, the all-too-familiar smell seeped into my senses.


I look down at the bouquet of flowers to see the mesmerizing blue petals on the chrysanthemums. They were beautiful but it wasn't the flowers themselves that almost sent me on an emotional breakdown, it was the memories that came with them.

It happened 2 years ago yet I remember it as if it happened just yesterday. I wish I didn't though. I can recall every moment of the day that I met him. How he gave me those beautiful blue chrysanthemums that matched the color of his ocean blue eyes. I thought the flowers would be a symbol of our unbreakable love. Unfortunately, all flowers have to wither and die one day.

Not only did our love-


I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Tadashi call out my name. Noticing my eyes were wet, I wiped my tears, waiting for Tadashi to catch up to me.

"Yes?" I asked, trying my best not to let my emotions into my voice.

"We have less than five minutes to run up to the third floor for science!"

"Well then? Let's run!" I held his hand and we both ran up the stairs to go up to the science lab.


Word Count: 627 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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