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Classes were long, as usual, and boring. Even with the soft winter sun pouring through the old fashioned windows lining the large classroom and spreading a sort of 'happy' light, the students were still counting down the long and painful minutes until lunch.

Mark couldn't help but pick at an impurity in the wood of his mahogany desk, the scratch mark obvious and a simple distraction. The older woman at the front of the classroom was rambling on about coordinate geometry and how to create a line from the given points.

Something nobody needed as a life skill.

Usually, Mark was all ears. He was a more enthusiastic pupil than most, though not by much. His interests lay in certain areas, and maths wasn't particularly one of them. Of course, one factor was setting him father back than everyone else in this class on this day.

He had no textbook to follow the lesson.

His eyes would occasionally sweep over Donghyuck who sat diagonally in front of him. Hell, the younger wasn't even paying attention to the lady. He was gleefully passing notes around with his friends and ignoring completely what was going on around him.

Asshole, the older thought bitterly, the very sight of it making his gut twist with anger. I bet he didn't even want my book to up his grades.....just to annoy me!

"Mark, at least pay attention!" The woman at the front hissed, snapping the chalk off the board by accident. The white material bounced off the grey protruding piece at the end of it, meant for holding the cleaner, and then onto the floor.

The sound seemed deafening as everyone fell silent, all eyes on him since this was possibly going to be the most interesting thing for the rest of the day.

"First no book," she continued, picking the chalk up, "And now you're staring off into space? Please pull yourself together."

My parents don't pay you to call me out in front of the class, he cussed internally, though of course would never voice his real thoughts. Instead, he ran a hand through his black fringe and nodded meekly.

Once she returned to talking to literally nobody who cared, Mark then again shifted his gaze to Donghyuck. Really, he enjoyed scowling at his back, perhaps throwing a few inward insults that made him feel better about himself more than anything else.

But this time, the brunette was already looking back at him. His eyes had mischief laced through them, as per usual, and his sneaky little smirk was so damn irritating. Honestly, in Mark's opinion, he couldn't see what there was to like.

All Donghyuck was, was a selfish and snotty brat. The subpar grades, snobby way of speaking to people and the affinity to ignore people should've been reason enough for him to lose everyone's favour.

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now