"We will talk about this tomorrow."

26 2 12

Caregiver/not really: Taehyung
Little: Kook
Little Age: 2-4

Jungkook has been feeling extremely stressed lately. He hasn't been eating well in fear of gaining weight, he wants to "look good" for army. He hasn't been sleeping much because it "wastes time that could be used for practice." And most of all, he hasn't slipped in forever. With all the preparing for concerts, and practices, he didn't have the time to. These were responsibilities he couldn't let go of, not even for a day, at least that's what he thought...

He didn't think he could keep up. He was exhausted mentally and physically.
-Author's POV-

The boys had just entered their house worn out from their long practice. Tired, they all dragged their feet as they made their way to the sitting room. Jungkook sat heavily onto the couch with a little groan. His whole body was in pain, but he didn't want to worry the members so he quickly covered it up with a cough. The boys didn't think much of it, except one. Taehyung.

Taehyung knew that Jungkook was exhausted. He knew that Jungkook hadn't been eating well and overworking himself. And most of all, he knew Jungkook was a little, he noticed Jungkook hadn't slipped in a while, and how stressed he was. Taehyung's eyes aren't big for no reason.

*Flashback • 4 weeks ago*
-Taehyung's POV-

I was walking through the hallway, on my way to the washroom, when I suddenly heard...giggles perhaps? Kind of like ones you hear from characters in cartoons. "Cartoons?" I thought. "We are grown ass men..who would be watching that?" After standing, drowned in my own thoughts, I decided to ignore my bladder's plead to be emptied, and follow the supposed, 'cartoon' noises.

As I got closer to the noises, I noticed I had been walking in the direction of Jungkook's room. "...Jungkook..watching cartoons?? Wtf?" I wanted my thoughts to be answered. So when I arrived at the door, opening it slightly, I finally figured out the answer to all my questions.

There Jungkook was, in a blue bunny onesie, a yellow paci in his mouth, with coloring books and stuffies surrounding him. He was looking up at the TV, almost looking a bit hypnotized.

I couldn't help but coo at him, he looked so adorable. 'I want to pick him up, and squish his cheeks, and cuddle him, and color with him, and-' !!!!!!

I stopped the little rant in my head, knowing that I couldn't possibly do all those things right now. I would embarrass him.

I walked away to go full fill my need to empty my bladder.

*End of Flashback • Present*
-Author's POV-

In fear, Taehyung didn't say anything of it so he didn't end up embarrassing Jungkook, or saying the wrong thing. But seeing Jungkook sit down with a thump drew the line for Taehyung. He was going to confront him about this, not in front of the members, but with just the two of them.


Jin had dinner cooked in no time, so when they all were sat at the table they quickly started eating. Especially Jungkook. Hungry he was,, he ate a very large portion. Savoring the feeling of being full, and the nice taste of food, he began feeling disappointed with himself. How can I eat this much! I'm going to gain weight, I do not need that right now. He began to slow down his eating.


Dinner was soon over and Taehyung pulled Jungkook aside. "Hey, can we talk? Just the two of us?" He asked. 

Jungkook nervously replied with a small, 'Uh, sure?' in fear of what was about to be discussed. Taehyung starts to walk up the stairs and Jungkook followed suit.

Jungkook was extremely nervous. He didn't know what Taehyung wanted to talk about, or why? All he knew is that it wasn't good because Taehyung's face or mood wasn't exactly happy and jolly.

They walked into Jungkook's room. Taehyung shut the door and looked at Jungkook, who was currently trembling. Taehyung saw that and went over to him, pushing him, gently, to sit on the bed, while he sat himself on a chair in front.

"So, Jungkook," He began. "I have noticed that you..you are not eating well, and you are overworking yourself."

"I wanted to confront..no..help you, because I want you to be safe, I don't want you to be hurt and in the hospital," He said. "Jungkook, you know this is wrong."

Jungkook didn't have any words, he didn't know what to say. Yes, he knew it was wrong, but what can he do? He feels unhappy with himself no matter what he does.

"Y-Yes hyung, I k-know it's...wrong," Jungkook stuttered out.

"Then why are you doing it, I mean.. Jungkook you look amazing the way you are. You are doing so well with the choreography, why are you pushing yourself?" Taehyung said, emphasizing the 'amazing.'

Jungkook was on the verge of sobbing, he was so stressed and focused on trying to be good for army.

"Jungkook-" Taehyung got cut off by Jungkook's sob.

"I-i'm so sorry h-hyung I-"

"Hey, hey, hey, Kookie? Don't cry, hyung isn't mad at you," He said sweetly.

Taehyung held the younger in a tight hug, feeling his pain. Jungkook continued to sob in his shoulder but..he could feel himself slipping. Being held tight by someone, feeling warm and safe in someone's arms.. Until..

He slipped.

"Dada," Kookie sobbed out. Taehyung looked down, not surprised that he slipped, but surprised of the name Kookie just had called him.

Still, he didn't waste anytime in responding. He pulled him into his lap and said, "What, baby?"

"I wan paci," He said snuggling into Taehyung's chest. Taehyung uwued so hard, he almost cried.

Taehyung looked around the room for a paci, and spotted on the night table. He stood up with Kookie in his arms and placed him on his hip.

Walking over to the table grabbed the paci and showed it to the adorable baby bunny in his arms. He decided to tease him a bit, moving it left and right, up and down, Kookie's eyes following.

He had enough of it and started to bounce and whine in Taehyung's embrace, making grabby-hands at the paci.

Taehyung chuckled and put the paci in the baby's mouth. He sat down and rocked him until he was sound asleep, Taehyung cooing at him. He got up, still carrying Jungkook, and turned of the light, leaving a small lamp on by the bed.

He took the covers of Kookie's bed and laid him and his babyboy down. He took one last look at him and smiled, uwuing again because of how cute he is with his paci.

"We will talk about this tomorrow," He said before kissing Koo's forehead,  turning off the lamp and snuggling close, falling asleep quickly due to the warmth of another body.
-1200 words-
ughhh i use wayyyyyyyy to many commas you guys!!!! 😭😭🤧

This is officially my first..finished STORY. I hoped you guys liked it!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

anywho, PLS GIVE ME REQUESTS. I am not good at thinking of storiessssjwisnkswk!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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