First day with Agreste

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Hey guys! I've noticed that I hit 100 views on Identities Revealed! But still no votes :( I will be happy with atleast 1 vote on this story and the other. Anyways, enjoy reading!

- Ray


3rd Person POV

"Soooo, d-did you know that I'll be living with you for a year..?" Marinette asked as they walked to the Agreste Mansion.

"Yeah, i did" Adrien opened the gate and his bodyguard got out the suitcases. "W-why didn't you tell me at school?" They walked into the mansion.

"Your mom told me to keep it a secret" Adrien continued "Like a suprise" Marinette knew that her mom knows about her huge crush on Adrien.

"Hello, Ms. Dupain-Cheng" a cold voice spoke from the top of the stairs. Never have she gotten the chills so fast. The room was pretty empty, echos all around.

"Oh uh- Mr. Agreste" Marinette looked at him, with a fake smile.

"How would you feel if you modeled with my son and got to do fencing with some other activites?"

"Dad- I mean father! Dont you think it's a bit early?" Adrien spoke.

Gabriel nodded. "Yes, I suppose your right. I'll let you think about it until tomorrow afternoone Ms. Dupain-Cheng"

"Please, call me Marinette" she said with a sweet smile.

"Alright. You room still isnt prepared until Monday, you will be in Adrien's room in the meantime."

Marinette blushed, she will have to be in Adrien's room. She nodded and Adrien took her hand. They rushed up the stairs together, excited to be with Adrien.

"Woah, it's more huge then I imagined it to be" Marinette looked around.

"Glad to know that you imagined my room" Adrien said with a giggle while trying to put his Ladybug pictures in his trophy cup so Marinette wont notice.

"Nice Ladybug pictures, are you a fan of her?" Marinette asked the blonde model. "Yeah actually, shes the girl of my dreams- I MEAN! Yeah shes awesome" Adrien laughed awkwardly and Marinette turned even more red.

"So are you a fan of Chat Noir?" Adrien sat on his bed. "Yeah, hes the perfect partner and is so cool- I MEAN yeah hes a pretty good superhero for an allie cat, not that hes bad, I mean hes a badass BUT YOU'RE COOL TOO I MEAN-" Marinette froze and Adrien blushed a little.

"I heard he gives you nightly visits" Adrien smirked.

Marinette stood in shock, how did he know? Her and Chat Noir are the only ones who know. But then she realized that her Kitty wont be able to give her nightly visits.

"Y-yeah, he does. How do you know?"

"Just a guess, what do you guys do together? Are you cheating on me?" Adrien out his face closer to Marinette.

Marinette pushed him away "H-hey dont say that! We just watch movies and cuddle" she crossed her arms.

"Awe how cute, are you in love with him?" Adrien said with a wider smirk.

"Yeah, I feel bad for rejecting him during glaciator- I MEAN! I'm not in love with him nooooo!!! I mean yeah hes really cool and really caring I MEAN-"Marinette knew that she messed up. She shut herself up before saying anything that could reveal her secret identity.

"I'll take that as a yes?" Adrien's eyes widened in joy.

"Whatttt nooooo!!" Marinette laughed awkwardly. She yawned and layed on the couch. "Don't you think its getting late? I'm pretty tired~ goodnight!!"

"Trust me, the couch isn't a good place to sleep on. Come." Adrien reached his hand out for Marinette to hold onto. She blushed like crazy, but finally placed her hand on his. He made Marinette lay on his bed. "I'll sleep on the couch" the blue eyed sat up quickly.

"What- no- it's okay I can sleep on the couch, after all this is your bedroom-" she reassured the boy. "No really, it's fine Marinette. This is your first night here. I'm gonna go brush my teeth, you can go after if you want"

Adrien walked away to his bathroom, picking up his toothbrush.

He came out of the bathroom, Marinette quickly passing by him and closing the door. Adrien brushed it off and sat on his chair. "So, how's it going with pigtails?" Plagg came out from Adrien's shirt, going to find some cheese to eat. "Okay, I still don't understand why she's so awkward around me. When im with her as Chat, she has no problem talking. In fact, sometimes she reminds me of Ladybug."

Plagg dropped his cheese, quickly picking it up hoping Adrien didn't notice. "Well, maybe she has the hots for you" he said as he took a big bite out of his camembert.

"Marinette? No way. She's in love with Luka. Plus, she's just a friend"

That's where Plagg lost his shit.

"Say that one more damn time, Agreste! I've had it with your bullshit, she's clearly not 'just a friend' if your mood lightens up every time shes near!"

Meanwhile with Marinette —

"Ahh, Tikki! I don't know what to do, i'm seriously living with Adrien! This is a nightmare!" Marinette rolled herself up in a ball on the floor, shaking. "It's going to be okay, this is a chance for the two of you to get closer! Maybe you can overcome your fears!" Tikki replied and gave her a smile.

"You're right, thank you" she gave her kwami a hug and brushed her teeth. She then walked out of the bathroom, spotting a small black creature flying into a cabinet, it was so fast she could barely tell what it was.

Marinette walked passed Adrien and then went on the bed, processing everything. The blonde got up and was about to walk to the couch until-

"Wait! We can both be on the bed, after all, you said the couch was uncomfortable, and I don't mind sharing!"

"Really? I mean- are you okay with that?" Adrien asked her. She nodded and they both layed on the bed.

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