Chapter 1, Katelyn Quinn

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Beware it has some slightly sexual assault so please beware before reading

15 years ago, baby girl was born given the name Katelyn Anna Quinn. You could tell that Katelyn was going to grow up beautiful girl. The day she was born her parents could already see a bright future heading her way. Not even a day old and every already talking about her future and how her life was going to be, but for now their going to enjoy the newborn daughter

A few years past and little Katelyn was now five years old, one day she went to her grandparents house because of a family get together. Katelyn was having fun with her cousin and playing a game called hide and seek. As their were playing, one of her uncles approach her and asking her if she could help him with a favor. Katelyn, the kind girl that she was, agree to help her uncle with whatever problem he had. As they were going to where ever Katelyn uncles problem could be, a sudden unpleasant feeling came upon her. One that told her to run, run far away from her uncle and not to trust him. As she has this sick feeling increase with every step, with every breath she took, she became uneasy and started to ask questions. "where are we going" Katelyn said.

"We going to the guest room, I did something and a need a pretty girl like you to help" Her uncle said with a grin that will haunt her forever. For some weird reason his respond made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Why don't you ask Mommy or Daddy for help, I'm sure they won't mind." With a little bit of fear she manege to ask another question, but she was afraid to hears his responds.

"I know that you help me no matter what, since you are my nicest niece, and beside I wanted to play a game with you after you help me. A game that your mother or father don't really like playing." His respond did the opposite then he wanted. He wanted her to be more comfortable with him but his respond just sent shiver down her spine, she wanted to leave as soon as she can. As they were about to enter the guest room, her mother called for her making her having an excuse to leave her uncle side. As she was leaving her uncle side, he grab her wrist and said, "Don't you want to help me with that favor I was asking your help for earlier. I think your mother won't mind." Katelyn pull her wrist back from him and shake her head before running back to her mom. When Katelyn said her mom again, she ran up to her and gave her a giant hug. Her mother was like a sanctuary right then and she didn't want to let go just in case her uncle was follow her. Her mom just wanted to know where her daughter was and when she wouldn't let her go, she can tell that something was wrong. Katelyn for some reason couldn't talk but she could make noises telling her mother that she didn't want to be there anymore. Her and her family left that day but they never learn about what her uncle true intentions were.

More years past and now Katelyn is eleven years old, and she in sixth grade. She had a group of friends some were boy and some were girls. The girls all had boyfriends at least that what they said and all the boys had girlfriend at least that what they said. One time during class on of her friends threw a piece of paper that said to meet him later by the gym. Katelyn read the note and gave him a smile that agree to meet him. Little later she met him by the gym, she thought that he wanted to talk but how wrong she could be. While they were talking, started getting a little bit touchy, which made her uncomfortable. She told him to stop doing it multiple times but he just wouldn't. After a while, Katelyn couldn't stand the constant touching, so she was ready to leave and head towards her next class, but before she could leave her friend ask her if she like him. Katelyn told him that she like him as friend and nothing more. After she said that she got up and took two steps before her friend grab her wrist and pull her close to him. "I think I an make you reconsider your feeling for me." As he said that he pulled her into a kiss, which shock her. She was not ready to be pulled or even kiss for that matter. She tried to push him away but was unsuccessful. After the kiss end he left her there standing in shock but no before saying, "Since we have kiss you are my girlfriend and now you must follow me everywhere and do what I said." He left her with those words just hanging in the air, ones she never want to hear again.

Years have past and Katelyn is fifth teen. She in high school where drama is everywhere and no one your friend. Katelyn tried to keep her best positive attitude to everything that has happen to her, but she can't help feeling alone and used. She wish for something good in her life and hopes it will come soon, who will ever guess that her good will come from evil.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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