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Kin Ryan is a boy who lives in Hongkong. He is very lovely and innocent. He is a introvert person. Everyone has crush on Ryan but he loves to be single. He enjoys watching Hentai and his voice is amazin'. He has a crush but is afraid to tell her.
         One day, he was driving pass the McDonald's and then saw his crush.
He looked at her. She looked at him. They  both blushed. Kin Ryan decided to introduce himself to her.

Kin Ryan: Hey beautiful!
?????: Bonjour (smiley face)
Kin Ryan: My name is Kin Ryan and I'm chinese (Winky face)
?????: My name is Potafries and I'm french.
Kin Ryan: oh wow... well actually I'm in love with you. You're the prettiest and tastiest vegetable I've ever tasted in my entire life.
Potafries: oh stop Ryan. You're making me blush. I look red.
Kin Ryan: Well you look tasty when you're red. Its because  of ketchup and i love it.
Potafries: xiéxie (thanks him in chinese)
Kin Ryan: I wanted to say something 👉👈
Potafries: go on then
Kin Ryan: I love you so much. Its a love at first bite. Would you like to marry me?
Potafries: (Gets excited) ofc yesss. I love you so much and i will marry you.

Then Kin Ryan and Potafries gets married at McDonald's drive through and lived happily ever after.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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