Take and give

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  • Dedicated to my little brother Manuel

                                          1.      Accident

                It all happened so fast, at one moment I was texting one of my friends while lying on the lawn and at the next there was tons of screaming and crying. I wanted to know what had just happened so I asked some of my family members but none of them would answer me and then I came to my aunt Lilly and she just pointed to the street. I wanted to see what was going on, I wanted to know so I pushed through the crowd to come to the place everyone was surrounding. There I saw something I wished I had never seen but also something I knew I could never forget.

          Right there on the hard cement floor in front of a car I saw my own precious little 3 year old brother lying down like if dead but I knew that would be impossible, no one would just take away the life of a little boy that was kind he was- NO – he is so kind that even if you are a stranger he will say hi to you with that sweet smile of his and make your day. I started to say to myself that he was probably just pretending like he does with SpongeBob and he tries to act dead. I tried, I really tried to wake him up by telling him that I would buy him tons of cars and that his best friend Jimmy was here but it just didn’t work, he wouldn’t wake up not even a tiny bit. I then started to notice that he was bleeding from his head and then right there the ambulance came and took him away and my dad Robert went with them, when I started telling them that I wanted to go with them they said no, which caused my family members including my mom Angelica to hold me back until the ambulance was far out of sight.

           Once most people started to go to the hospital, my mom took me inside to start yelling at me and telling me that “Why in the world did you not take care of your little brother like I told you to?”, then I just said “You never told me to take care of him”, then she said “YES, I did tell you and don’t you ever raise your voice up on me young lady. Don’t you know how much pain you have already caused to this family? You know what you will never get any privileges for the rest of the time you are living in this house so that means no phone, hand it over.” I was speechless that she thought I had the entire fault in this and that was when I started crying so hard after crying so hard I knew I didn’t care about the dumb phone I just cared about how my brother was and if he was going to be o.k.”

On the way to the hospital I started to think a ton about what had just happened and if what my mom had just said was actually right. Then I remembered everything that had happened before the incident. I remembered everything that had happened before the accident.

I remembered that my mom had actually told me “Sweetie, could you get off the phone for a couple of minutes and take care of your brother for me please.” And then I said “Just give me one second mom I’m texting my cousin Karen to see if her little brother Jorge was O.K. because she said that he was having trouble breathing.” After seeming as if she was sad she came back to her somewhat happy form and told me to text Karen goodbye, wish her good luck and take care of my own little brother.

When I was done texting Karen I thought of a very sneaky way to be able to take care of my little brother and be able to text Melany one of my best friends. The way that I was going to be able to do this was by getting some of Ryan’s toys sitting him right in front of me, having my back to my mom, texting close to the ground, and whenever I saw someone coming I hid my phone and started playing with him and that way my mom wouldn’t suspect a thing. At that moment I thought of myself as a very clever girl, I did know I was smart because I always got A’s and B’s but mostly A’s at times, if you only knew me like that you would think of me as a responsible teenager but that is not completely what I am, at home let’s leave it at that I am not as responsible as I am in school. Anyways after I started “playing” with him I decided I needed something to make him stay because now he wanted to go and play with his friends so he started escaping from me, I then got an idea that if I gave him a candy that he totally loved he would stay but the only problem was that the candy that he adored was inside the house, in my room, and behind my picture on my desk. I knew I would have to take a chance and have to beg my big brother Eddie to take care of Ryan for just a minute. He accepted so I ran inside to go get the candy but when I came back Ryan wasn’t with Eddie so I asked him where Ryan was, and he told me that Ryan was playing with his little friends and that I didn’t have to worry. I trusted him so I just chilled, laid on the lawn, and started texting Melany and that is all I remembered of what happened before the incident.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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