Chapter One

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I stared deeply into his eyes. The eyes that are so beautiful, yet sad. So much hurt behind them. He didn't even know I was staring at him. He was too busy nuzzling his little baby girl, Frances's hair as she slept in his arms. He's truly beautiful. Everything about him. He'll never know the way I feel about him. He considers us as best friends, but I want so much more. I want him to be mine. But I'll just keep dreaming.

I quickly looked away as he turned his head and looked at me. Hopefully he didn't notice me staring into his eyes.

"Dave, could you hold Frances for me until I smoke?" He asked. His voice is so beautiful. Raspy, but it suits him perfectly.

I simply gave him a nod. He was slow to stand up, careful not to wake his baby girl. He handed her carefully to me, and then he lit up a cigarette. It was silent for a few moments, until his wife came running into the room.

"Kurt! There you are. I wanted to say goodbye before I left." Courtney said. She quickly took Frances away from me and kissed her head.

"You be a good girl for mommy." She whispered in her ear and softly laid her back down on me.

I felt my heart sink when she wrapped Kurt in her arms and hugged him tightly. "Goodbye. I love you. I'll see you in a few weeks." And then she kissed him, and that's when my heart broke.

I should be the one to kiss him. I've known him longer than her. I've been there for him more than her. It isn't fair. Not even a little. But whatever makes Kurt happy.

"Bye, Dave." She said with a wave and then she rushed out the door.

I waited until Kurt finished his cigarette before giving Frances back to him. "I better be going. I'll see you later, Kurt. If you need anything call me, okay?"

He nodded. "Okay. I'll see you later."


I laid in bed, unable to fall asleep. I had Kurt on my mind and I couldn't stop thinking of him. He's so... perfect. I love everything about him. His blue eyes, his voice, personality, his smile that makes everything brighter, and-

My thoughts were interrupted by the phone ringing. I glanced at the clock, seeing it was a little past midnight. Who would call this late?

I shot out of bed and ran downstairs to where the phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I said once I picked it up.

"D-Dave, can you please co-come over?" It was Kurt, and by his voice he sounded like he was in pain.

"Yeah I'll be right there." I said quickly and hung up.

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