A guy on the street but it's ...who?

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"Kevin," he says, holding out a hand. "Call me Kevin." I take his hand and shake it. He has a firm grip. I tilt my head. "So, umm Kevin," I say. "What's in your brief case?" 

His eyes widen and he glances at the brown case in his left hand. "Ermm.." he starts, scratching the back of his neck. "It's just, work stuff." He manages to say. I raise an eyebrow. "Really?" I say, unsure of what to believe. "What do you do for a living?" I ask, folding my arms.

He shakes his head. "Look I really gotta go-" "No," I say, grabbing onto the cuff of his black leather jacket. My head travels back to this morning..

~~~~~~~~ (flashback starts~brought to you by Turg)

Minding my own business, walking down my home town. I've lived here all my life so I know the place like the back of my hand. Ireland's not a very big place anyway so it's easy to memorise. I start walking out of the flower shop when a guy nearly knocks me over at the pace he's walking at. "Hey!" I shout behind him. Arrogant dingus, I think to myself. What doesn't help is it was raining all day yesterday, and when it rains one day in Ireland it lies there for the next week. Only for it to rain again, which means I am also soaking wet.

I turn left to see where that man was going. Ah shit, he's turned a corner. I sigh and head that direction. My bags are quite light so at least that won't be a problem. I turn the corner and see him looking directly my way. "Excuse me sir-" I start but I cut myself off when he turns yet another corner. "Sir!" I exclaim, running after him. I know I started chasing him to get him to apologise to me, but now I'm just following because I'm curious as to why he wants away so bad, not like a stalker or anything, I mean, I made it pretty clear I'm following him.

I pick up my speed but as I do I crash into someone and we both fall to the ground. "Oh my god are you okay?" an Irish accent says. I open my eyes. A lanky guy with brown hair is staring at me. I'm a mess. He's already gotten up and he's not even wet in the slightest. I squint my eyes. "I'm so sorry," I say, picking up my bags. He offers me his hand to help me up. I accept the help.

"I'm Dan," he smiles awkwardly. I return the smile. "Do you know where that guy with the brown brief case is?" I ask. 

"Oh umm the one who also nearly knocked me over?" I grimace then nod my head. "I'm not sure sorry but I can help you look for him?" 

"No, no it's alright I don't want to waste your time." He moves his head up and down slowly then walks off. 

I quickly speed walk the way the other guy went. I follow his tracks. Thank God it's mucky here, I say to myself. I practically sprint until I hit yet another person. I really need to stop doing this. 

Luckily I didn't knock this one over. My eyes widen at the sight of the person. "You're the guy!" I saw pointing at him. He frowns. I look at his case. It's moving. It's- WHAT!? It's a moving case!? I shake my head, I must be seeing things. 

"So umm.. who are you?" he says. I jump a little at the sudden question. "Oh I'm Y/N." I smile. "And you are...?"

~~~~~~~~ (flashback ends~brought to you by Grognak)

And here we are now. Kevin looks to the ground. I release my grip slightly. "So Kevin," I say. "What's in the case?"

He looks to me, his eyes saying 'I give up.' "Fine," he finally says. "But you can't tell anyone." I nod. "I have-" he gets cut off by a strange noise. I look at his case. It's open slightly. I look worriedly at Kevin. He bites his lip and looks around frantically. "What's wrong?" I say.

Kevin calms and sighs. 


(696 words) lmaoo

I hope you enjoyed. As you can probably tell it's loosely inspired by Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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