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"Woah, don't hold it so close to the test tube!" Mark hissed, pulling Donghyuck's wrist away swiftly to prevent him from starting a fire that nobody wanted.

Well, maybe it would've made for an interesting day......but neither were willing to take the blame.

"I know what I'm doing, Mark!" The younger scoffed, batting his hand away and giving him a bitter look with narrowed eyes.

"Why do you only use my name when you're mad at me?" The ravenette frowned, taking a step back as the experiment began to bubble.

"I'm always mad at you, Sissyboy. I don't know what you're talking about."

Well.....where was the lie? Yes, the brunette had something to fight Mark about every time they spoke, though when the younger used Mark's real name, it felt like he was actually getting scolded like a naughty child.

"Careful," Donghyuck murmured, eyes trained on the apparatus as he slowly added a chip of metal.

Mark watched with great intensity, actually noticing how pretty the male's fingers were on the other hand that didn't have a glove covering them. The unworked hands of a rich child, soft yet too innocent.

The older cleared his throat, looking away to halt the swarm of strange thoughts that had begun to flow through his mental dam. Images of countless things Mark shouldn't have known or seen about Donghyuck.

"Pay attention, Idiot," the other kicked his shin lightly, gaze still piercing into the experiment. Mark could feel his hands grow clammy, wanting to leave so desperately.

"I need to use the toilet," he lied, starting to take his gloves off.

"Oh don't pull that bullshit on me now," Donghyuck snarled, looking up and tilting his head. He still looked pretty, even in lab gear. "Don't ditch me to do this alone. What if I die?"

"I thought you were, and I quote, a 'master at this'," the ravenette wriggled his eyebrows, pulling the gloves back on all the same. "The unstoppable Lee Donghyuck is afraid he'll fuck up?"

"Don't get cocky," he snipped back with a huff. His brown locks caught the light shining in through the windows and they shone a golden colour. "All you ever do is watch me and write down the assignment."

"That's because you're a control freak!"

"No, you just don't try hard enough-"

"I've asked a hundred times to help, yet you always say 'no, you'll mess it up'," the older mimicked his high voice exactly.

"That's a load of shit, and you know it-"

"Ugh, they're at it again," one of their classmates, Jisung, sighed under his breath to his own partner Jeno.

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now