Chapter one- the start of it all

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Sometimes you can tell when someone is in love with you sometimes u can't tell if someone is in love with u sometimes you don't know what you are feeling without someone telling you sometimes when your truly in love with someone but to afraid sometimes it's confusing sometimes it hurts but eventually we all get are happy ever after we just don't know when

It was a normal morning In the bytehouse nothing was different except one thing one thing that was going to happen that would change sebbs life forever he just didn't know yet

I woke up this morning the same as every morning except something felt different but I couldn't tell what it was so I just sat staring at the wall for 10 minutes trying to figure out what I felt and why I felt like it but I couldn't

A quit voice said "hey babe why are you up so early?"
Sebb just sat there not saying anything still staring at the wall trying to figure it out
The same voice "hey sebb are you ok?"
In a confused voice " huh what yeah I'm fine"
Becky sat up to say something " do you wanna grab breakfast?"
"Yeah sure" sebb said giving Becky a peck in the lips

Normally when we kiss the whole world stops but this time it didn't this time it felt like nothing it felt like the spark between us had gone like it just wasn't there anymore that must be what I'm feeling maybe I don't love her anymore maybe us has just disappeared maybe we just don't love each other anymore maybe I should end it because this feeling is definitely that it literally couldn't be anything else

Sebb was acting weird this morning like he wasn't all completely here like only half of him was and then when we kissed there was nothing there normally it's like the world stops and waits for us but no nothing maybe are love is gone maybe I should end it

Sebb " um Becky before we go down can I talk to you about something?" It was now or never
Becky " yeah sure what is it"
Sebb " I think we should um  I think we should break up"
Becky " omg sebb I was going to do the same thing"
Sebb " well then it must be for the best if we wan to break up then"
Becky " yeah it must be um I'ma just grab all my stuff and leave"
Sebb " ok bye Becky it was fun whilst it lasted"
Becky " yeah it was wasn't it and goodbye sebb"
Sebb waved as she left the house

It felt like only part of what I was feeling had gone this feeling was still there but what was it what was making me feel like this I don't even know how I feel it's just a feeling stuck in my heart about after and 1 hour of me being in my phone lily came in

Lily " hey sebb you might want to come downstairs the new member is here"
Sebb " ok lily"
Lily " where's Becky"
Sebb " oh we aren't together anymore"
Lily " oh sebb I'm sorry"
Sebb " no it's fine I ended it and she was going to end it to so it was for the best"
Lily " well as long as your ok I don't care anyways come on"

It was kinda weird and awkward when I came because I don't really talk to people I don't know I get really nervous but Kt knows this bc I've known her like my whole life there was this other person I knew and we where best friends but then he moved to the isle of white and I hadn't seen him since I miss him even more everyday and he will always be in my heart no matter what happens I will never forget him my best friend

As me and sebb walked into the living room he stopped he just stood there and looked like he was about to cry looked like he was about to scream with happiness he was having all the emotions but none of us knew what for I looked over at monty to see he was stood still the same emotions on his face as sebb but why

It couldn't be could it no I must be dreaming It I must be seeing things I haven't seen him in 2 years since I left for the isle of white

In Montys quite shy voice " s- s- sebb is that you"
In a happy but almost crying voice " yes Monty yes it is me"
In a happy excited voice " omg omg I've missed you so much since you left" runs into his arms hugging him
Sebb in a very happy smiley voice " I missed you more"
Lily " so I'm guessing you to know each other then"
Monty "w- w- we where b- b- best friends and I i I hope we still are"
Sebb " Monty of course we are you don't need to worry about that I never forgot about you you always had a place in my heart no matter what"
Monty " I'm so so happy to see you again"
Sebb " me to"
Lucy the manager comes walking in with a worried look on her face
Sebb " Lucy what's wrong"
Lucy " we don't have enough rooms"
Sebb " it's fine Monty can share with me"
Lucy " ok few then we're all sorted if you want to go unpack your stuff monty"
Monty nods and follows sebb to his now there room

So this is my first time writing like this I don't know if I like it or not so if you could tell me what you think about it I would really appreciate it hope you enjoyed it oh and if ur here from immaculate viberz I say hi how are you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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