Happy Birthday you lazy pig 🐷

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Ayo sohappy birthday you little spoiled rotten piece of ass✨
Your getting one year closer to death-no wait I meant to your dreams YeAh tHayTs tOtAlLy wHaT I MeAnT! But anyway we're still stuck in this hell hole so I guess this is my gift to you (and you better like it you piece of @ss cause I took out my perious time just to make this crap-  I meant masterpiece so you better like it)

Ayo sohappy birthday you little spoiled rotten piece of ass✨Your getting one year closer to death-no wait I meant to your dreams YeAh tHayTs tOtAlLy wHaT I MeAnT! But anyway we're still stuck in this hell hole so I guess this is my gift to you (an...

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But your already shit so-

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But your already shit so-

But your already shit so-

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Happy Birthday you little shit 💩💩😀😀Where stories live. Discover now