Chapter 1: Pill

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Pills and potions
We're overdosing
I'm angry but I still love you
Pills potions
We're overdosing
Can't stand it but I still love you
~Nicki Minaj, Pills 'N' Potions

Chapter 1

**BEEP BEEP** I slap my alam clock off. Slowly as I crawl out of bed, I whisper to myself, "Same old shit, just a different day." "Arabella! Are you up?" "Yes!" I yell back at my mother. "Wow a 22 year old women still living with her mother. I should of stayed at the college, and just dealt with my roommate. But noo, it's okay Arabella, you live just a couple of miles away, you can get there on time." Dammit, I'm still talking to myself, I really need to stop that. Just a couple of more months then I will be done with college. I walk over to my bathroom, and hop into the shower. I wash my hair and my body, three times. 20 minutes later I'm out of the shower. I walk to my closet and put on, I throw an my white crop top thing, short with lace fringe, my floral long cardigan, my badge, shoes an pick up my badge bag. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen. "Are you going to eat something, Arabella?" "Um, Mom I'm kind of in a hurry." Nonsense, you have an hour before you need to be at school." "College, Mom, it's college." "Same thing, now sit." She pointed to the chair. I mentally sigh. "Okay so I made, chocolate filled pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast. Eat up." I hurry and eat all if my food. "Bye mom, I gotta go." I say with my mouth filled with food. "Bye, honey!" She yells back. I see my dad getting in his car, ready to go to work. "Bye honey." My dad says. "Bye dad." I say while getting into my Lamborghini. One if my most best achievements. I've been saving up for a car since I was a little girl. Yeah maybe it wasn't a Lamborghini, but it was still suppose to be a car. When I say since I was a little girl I mean, when I was like 5. About the time I got to the age of 16 I was already at $100,000, meaning I didn't go shopping as much as my friends did. Then by the age of 21, I had about $100,900. So then it was easy to get the rest, and when I did, I still was short around 300, I had to take some out if my bank account. I worked for what I have, so I'll be damned if I hear somebody call my a snobby rich bitch, that gets everything from her daddy. Snapping out of my daydream, I see that I'm already at Gifted University. I close my door. And walk up to the door. I went to my locker. Which I'm starting to regret I even paid for it. They want too much money for just a locker, and for each trimester you have to pay. "Just 2 more months." I say to myself. I slam my locker shut and head to, Economics. *Skipping over* I walk out if Economics, why the hell would I choose to do 6 majors?! It's not very manageable. "Only 2 more months." I say to myself. I the head to English Language and Literature. *Skipping over* I walk out of my class. Just one more then I get to eat. I head to Biology, but I get bump into a wall. Or what it feels like a wall. "I'm so sorry." Says a deep voice. Before I know it my arm is being yanked, and I'm lunging forward. "Ahhh!" I scream. I then come face to face with a boy that looks my age. He had beautiful hazel eyes, sharp jaw line, pump pink lips, brown hair styled perfectly in a quiff, had the most perfect body shape, he was simply beautiful. Oh my gosh, I'm staring. "Uh, It's it's fi- fine." I chuckle awkwardly. "Ok, then I'm Kent." A perfect name to go with his perfect face. "I'm Arabella." I say with a tight grin. Relax. "That's a beautiful name." He says whilst kissing my hand. My heart flutters. "Thank you." I force out. "So where are you heading to, Arabella?" I just love the way my name runs off his tongue so smoothly. "Biology." I say. "Me too, I actually just switched my biology teachers." He says. "Why don't you sit next to me." He adds on. "Sure." I walk to class, we enter the class room and I sit in the middle row. Throughout the whole entire class period, I don't listen to a word that Mrs. Con says. I was too busy receiving and sending notes to Kent. I received a new note, 'Do you wanna maybe go to lunch with me today?' It read. I spend a whole entire 2 minutes thinking of what I should say. I quickly scribble down. 'Yes.' As I throw back the note, I can see Kent's face relax. An when he opens the note he grins. Before I know it the bell rings. "So Mr. Kent, where are you taking me this fine evening." I say, but I don't think he heard anything that I said because, his face was glued to his phone. "Actually, I can't something just came up maybe next time, yeah?" Kent says whilst gently hitting my arm. My breath hitches. "Yeah, maybe next time." I say as I turn around and walk off. Did I really just get blown off? I think I did. My first time getting asked out in all if my years of being in college, I get blown off. "Relax, Arabella maybe it wasn't even suppose to be a date. Just probably a friendly gesture." I say to myself whilst nodding and agreeing with myself.


I drive home. Today has been along day. Thank God it's Friday. Just another boring Friday filled with junk food and Netflix. I quickly walk inside of my house, to be greeted by nobody. I walk into the kitchen and see a note from my mom and dad, it read 'Arabella, your father and I had to go on a business trip, don't worry we'll be back about around the time you'll be done with college. You know how to take care if yourself. Love Mom&Dad.' I crumble the paper and throw it away. You know what I sick of my boring life I need to make a change. I heard that there's going to be this awesome party, and I'm going. I run upstairs to my bathroom. I take a shower. I quickly hop out and put on a simple strapless black dress that stopped a couple of inches above my knee. I try to find away to hide my boobs. "Too big." I say to myself, referring to my boobs. I curl my hair and add a little makeup on. I walk out of my house looking up the directions to where the party is at. I make it there safely and in a quick manner. I walk up to the door and knock. "Heyyy, sexy ladyyy. Want a drink?" "Sure." I say whilst walking in. I drink the liquor, a little to fast. "Oh shit, it burns!" I yell aloud. "You gotta be careful." I hear a familiar voice says. I turn around to be greeted by Kent, with his arm swung around some random girls shoulder. "Kent?" I say.

Yay the first chapter!!! I hope everyone liked this book so far, if anyone is reading. But I think I'm going to put my other books on hold so I can focus on this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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