five {mature}

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"Night guys," Taeil yawned as he curled up into bed, turning off his lamp and hoping for the others to do the same.

Taeyong was the first to repeat the sentence and turn his own off, then Yuta and finally Donghyuck since nobody else chose to turn their lamps on. The room wasn't in too much need of light, since eight lamps was a little on the extravagant side.

Mark pressed his head further against the welcoming and soft pillow. It seemed to wrap its gentle fabric around his ears and block out any noises elicited from the older boys around him, other than Donghyuck of course.

The pitch black night surrounding him seemed even worse than usual, perhaps accented by the nippy chill in the air. However, his eyes were actually beginning to droop for the first time in about five days, and the exhaustion that was very apparent to his body started to consume him.

Finally, he thought contentedly, I get to actually sleep.

The incessant and intense ticking of the wall clock above their door dragged the minutes along. With all eight boys comfortable and asleep, it all seemed too well to just leave a decent night there.

Donghyuck kicked his legs over the side of his mattress as the hour hand reached four. His senses were dulled from unconsciousness, and as though his body knew exactly what he wanted, his weak and unsteady legs took him straight to the boy across the room.

Mark, totally asleep and unsuspecting, was not prepared as the the younger dragged his dead weight body onto his. The curtains, pulled lazily, allowed just a solitary beam of light to infiltrate the darkened room, the moon having been granted access.

With eyes closed and movements sloppy as well as uncoordinated, Donghyuck leaned in and didn't hesitate to crash his lips down on the older's, waking him up with a start.

Of course, the first lick of sleep Mark had been offered in almost a week had just been ripped away from him. His eyes burned from the sudden sleep invasion and possibly nonconsensual tears due to the fact that the one thing he longed for was yet again out of reach for god knew how long.

"Fuck, Hyuck," he whined weakly, shifting his hips to seek comfort in literally the most uncomfortable situation anyone could've found themselves in. "Just this one goddamn night?"

Well aware that Donghyuck had absolutely no control over his problem and would never have chosen to be lumped with this issue, Mark felt a little guilty that he was getting frustrated with him......but this whole situation was completely unfair.

If we hadn't been put in the same room, the ravenette began to wonder as the brunette above him glided his soft hands over his chest, diving lower and lower towards the band of his shorts, would someone else have found him like this, and taken advantage of him?

It was true, Mark wasn't exactly protecting Donghyuck from any of this, and basically allowed him to project his sexual dream onto his own body in reality......but at least he never encouraged it.

"Hot," the younger whined, leaning his forehead down against the older's as he searched for the heat he desired in this cold, cold room.

Allowing his dainty hand to slide into Mark's shorts, the older hissed, always feeling downright guilty the further Hyuck got. There were some nights where not too much was required, and others where they very nearly had sex. Going the full way would've probably been the only thing to wake the teen up. Everything else was a wasted effort.

"S-stop," Mark breathed out, head tilted back as Donghyuck wrapped his cold fingers around his member.

Code red, code red, the older grimaced, unable to help getting turned on from the feeling. Just remember, he tried, he's not a nice guy. He's mean, he's rude, he's always mad at you, he's-

An airy moan escaping the angel's lips was enough to send those supposedly helpful thoughts back to the fantasy land they came from.

He's so beautiful, oh my god, were the sort of words now pounding in his head. That and the blood rushing to his ears and cheeks as Donghyuck had managed to get him completely ready, like the weak willed boy he was.

Who does he dream about? Does he ever think something is up? Is he tired after nights like these? Relevant yet unanswerable questions.

Mark couldn't help it anymore, sick of the slow pace and mental torture the younger was putting him through and swiftly switching their positions. In one fowl swoop, the ravenette had pinned Donghyuck to the mattress and had his wrists firmly in his grip.

The brunette writhed at the need to touch someone, anyone. His eyes fluttered ever so slightly, though he was still very much asleep. As previously mentioned, Mark had tried to move heaven and earth to wake him up, and nothing seemed to work.

"If you're going to play this game all year," he whispered with a raspy tone, voice deeper from sleep, "Then we're making some rules, Donghyuck. Rule one; my bed, my decisions."

God, if only the little demon disguised with a halo could've been this compliant when awake, then he truly would've been perfect, to Mark. But alas it was all wishful thinking, for when both arose the next morning, the younger would've been back to his tormenting ways.

Dipping lower to reconnect their lips in a heated kiss, the ravenette could feel the younger wrap his legs around his waist, drawing him closer and closer. He was so much easier to deal with when like this, as sad as that was to admit.

"Mhm," Donghyuck hummed against the other's lips, running his slim fingers through his dark hair and loving the heat exchanged between their bodies. The harsh weather had absolutely no affect on them now with the sheen of sweat covering both and fighting the cold.

It would all disappear though, and by sunrise, bitter reality would hit Mark like a ton of bricks, waiting for nightfall once more.

They touched each other all night, eventually wearing one another out as Donghyuck's movements eventually came to a halt, like they usually did, and Mark had to carry him back to bed, like he usually did.

The process of tucking him in was actually quite a peaceful and somehow fun one. The older sort of enjoyed laying the younger's slim figure back onto the mattress just to cover him with the crisp white duvet and ensure he was warm enough.

There was really nothing he could do about the sweat that would cool and create a very nasty chill. But running a gentle hand through his slightly curled brown hair and witnessing his real sleepy face was kind of worth the trouble sometimes.

"I'm going insane, aren't I?" Mark thought aloud, though barely above a hoarse whisper. It had to have been true, or why else would he put such stupid effort into someone who would never return the favour?

Glancing around the room a couple of times, the teen was sure everyone was still asleep and returned to laying wide awake on his bed.

Farewell for now, sleep, he thought in a slightly joking manner. But it was clear that things were getting dangerous if Donghyuck was capable of disrupting the only broken fractions of sleep he was able to get.

Things needed to change, though there seemed to be no way around them.

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𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now