Part 1

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Hi! Welcome to my very first 13 Reasons Why/Wonty fanfic! :)

Just a little info for the story to be more clear:
-Monty is alive, even if it doesn't seem like it at the beginning.
-I know Monty did terrible, inexcusable things. He will face consequences for what he did to Tyler, but he won't die.
-This is a Wonty fic, so they will end up together.
-This story is basically just me trying to patch my heart back together after Brian Yorkey broke it with the ending of Season 4.

And with that, I hope you enjoy! :)

"Monty had a secret. Bryce knew what it was." Ani finished saying as Deputy Standall rubbed his hand across his face.

"The secret being his assault on Tyler?" Deputy Standall asked even though he knew the answer.

Ani nodded, "Yes."

"And that would drive Montgomery..." Deputy Standall paused for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts as the girl continued to tell him lies, "To kill him?"

"That and a betrayal. He thought Bryce was his brother." Ani stated.

Deputy Standall shook his head as he remembered one very important detail, "No, Monty had an alibi."

"Talk to Charlie St. George. It won't hold up." Ani countered immediately. So quick, that Deputy Standall wondered how she was able to lie to him with such ease.

Deputy Standall let out a heavy sigh, "So, you're telling me Montgomery de la Cruz..." He trailed off, unable to finish the question.

"Process of elimination." Ani went on to describe in detail what each and every suspect was doing at the time Bryce was murdered.

"If you search through Monty's things, his room, perhaps his football locker, I imagine you'll find what Bryce wanted to give to Jessica Davis. And I imagine Bryce's blood will be on it." Ani said once she was done telling Deputy Standall the suspect's whereabouts.

"We've already searched his locker-" Deputy Standall began, but Ani cut him off.

"For steroids."

Deputy Standall looked toward the ground, then reached up to turn the tape recorder off.

"Montgomery de la Cruz killed Bryce Walker." Ani said as the final statement in her testimony.

"It would be a terrible thing to blame the wrong person for Bryce's murder." Deputy Standall sighed.

"Yet, you were all ready to blame Clay Jensen." Ani pointed out.

Deputy Standall slowly nodded. He understood that this so called evidence Ani had gathered was solid even if it wasn't the truth. Deputy Standall chose his next words very carefully as a plan formed in his mind.

"I don't think you would know this, because the Sheriff has us locked down on leaks."

He knew that he was risking his entire career by saying what he was about to say, "But Montgomery de la Cruz was killed in his jail cell. Just hours ago." He lied.

Ani gasped, "Oh god. Poor Monty."

After a few more minutes of Ani trying to convince Deputy Standall to let the dead bury the dead, she left the police station.

As soon as she was gone, Deputy Standall shot out of the room, quickly making his way to Monty's cell. Once he got there, he looked inside to see Monty sitting on the bed with his head in his hands.

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