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Kayla: Hey, its Kayla!

Kayla: What's up, I got a new phone

Michael: Hey Kayla. I'm just getting ready for the the homecoming game. You going?

Kayla: Homecoming game? Why are you going to a high school football game?

Michael: Because then I'm going to homecoming with my gf...

Kayla: You're in college, why are you going to a high school dance?

Kayla: And I am your gf!

Michael: I'm not in college, I'm a sophomore. In high school. Which is why I'm going. And you aren't my gf. Haven't been since last year.

Kayla: You aren't a sophomore in high school. You're a junior in college. Same as me. And more importantly, what do you mean I haven't been your gf since last year?

Michael: You aren't making sense. I'm still in high school. You're still in high school. All of our friends are still in high school...

Michael: And remember last year when I broke up with you. I have no clue how you wouldn't remember that. You were heartbroken... It's been almost a year....

Kayla: Dude, we graduated high school 3 years ago. With all of our friends

Kayla: We've also been dating for almost 4 years... And you didn't break up with me almost a year ago...

Michael: Wait, what do you mean we've been dating for almost 4 years? We've only known each other for a little over 2... Plus I'm dating Brenda, and have been for almost a year....

Kayla: What? You've been cheating on me? I seriously thought you were better than that...

Michael: Cheating on you? No... Like I've said before, I broke up with you shortly before her and I got together...

Kayla: You never broke up with me....

Michael: Yes I did. Last year

Kayla: Wait a minute. You said we only knew each other for 2 years... We've known each other for 6...

Michael: No we haven't. I'll prove it to you. What's today's date?

Kayla: March 25, 2019

Kayla: But you could have checked that yourself...

Michael: WHAT!?!? IT CAN'T BE!

Kayla: ...Why not? LOL what day did you think it was?

Michael: September 26, 2014...

Kayla: Are you going mental? That was a long time ago. 5 years. Well, a little over that even

Michael: I'm so confused. Today is homecoming... of my sophomore year in high school... I'm going with Brenda... my gf...

Michael: Are you screwing with me?

Kayla: No... Dude you are having some serious issues right now. Come over and we'll talk it through.

Michael: Well, if  what you're saying is true, then IDK where you live. To me, its 5 years in the future.

Kayla: Wait, where are you right now?

Michael: My house... why?

Kayla: Do you notice anything that's different about your room now than you did when you last looked around?

Michael: Yeah... Everything is in a different place, and I don't recognize half the stuff... This is really weird...

Kayla: Weird... I wanna see if I can figure out whats wrong. Come over. I still live with my grandma and parents till I can find my own place.

Michael: But its like, 6:30 PM. Wouldn't that be a little weird?

Kayla: No, its fine. Plus, I'm the only one home right now, so it doesn't matter.

Michael: Okay I guess. I'll be there. OMW. See you in a bit

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