Ex-Yandere Male reader x Yandere ex-crush

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Just to clarify, this is a book for YN not protagonists, I don't know if it makes a difference.

Also slight warming for NSFW in the Ch

(YN's POV)

I have a not so great past that I'm not proud of.

You ever see a girl, and think "This is my soul mate" but like in a more stalker-ish manner? No? Just me?

Well I guess this is awkward.

...Yeah I used to stalk a girl named Yui. When I first laid my eyes on her, I thought, 'Is this my soulmate?' That quickly turned into 'This is my soulmate'. Those words repeated in my head a million times over, it was insanity.

Love is a weird emotion, but when it came to me during that time period, I was absolutely feeling it for her. It wasn't my proudest moments but I didn't care.

I would've done anything for her. I would've everything in my power to grant her wish. Whether us was just a simple wish as a craving for food to maybe even... to kill someone for her.

It was weird.

To have discovered everything about her within weeks, down to her deepest secrets and for her just to look at me as some classmate. To her, I was just another face in the crowd, while to me, she shined brighter than the sun.

It wasn't that long after when I discovered that she had interest in a boy. It was natural for a girl to have those kinds of feelings towards the opposite sex.

My stalking tendencies grew as I investigated further into who she wanted to get into a relationship with.

And with that, I found out she was interested in a fellow classmate with a similar level of popularity, some people even shipped them.

My obsession with her had already hit new heights as I was ready to transcend into the next level. Murder.

I crept into the guy's room around midnight  days later. I really was blind. I couldn't see anything but a happy future with only Yui and I.

I had already raised the knife above his head ready to strike down with every ounce of strength I had.

"Brother? I can't sleep, could I sleep with you?"

He had a sister, a quite young one.

That's all that repeated in my head as I ran away with tears in my eyes. What if I had killed him earlier quickly? Would she have seen him, her dear brother, dead?

I couldn't sleep with that train of thought going through my head. I had stayed up the whole night sick to my stomach at how disgusting I was.

After missing a day of school I came back with a feeling of bitterness. I wanted to forget what I was going to do and remember to hide the ashes of the things I burnt the night before from my obsession with Yui.

I came back to my teacher telling me to sit in my new seat. Apparently he assigned new seats the day I was absent.

As I sit down, I hear a pencil drop from the seat to my left. I reach down to grab it only for my hand to meet someone else's.

It was Yui's

"Ah, I'm sorry. You don't have to pick that up for me because of my clumsiness." She spike in a squeaky yet cute tone.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, everyone should be allowed to help a fellow classmate out. Here. The name is YN. Don't worry about small things like this." I said in the best cheerful tone I could give her as I have a her a fake smile.

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