don't forget me

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I look into his big brown eyes and he looks into my mine. We laugh about something and I slowly turn away from him. The children surrounding us play on the landscape and speak about things that us teenagers could never hope to understand, but maybe they could help us.

I look up at the sky and place my hand down on the cement and it skims his Which makes me blush a little bit but of course I ignore it for it's just who I am. I adjust the snake glove on my Wrist and look back at him and he stares at me and I stare at him to.

I look down at our hands beside each other's. His a peachy white, mine a fading brown. Something about our contrasting skin tones makes the temptation all that harder to resist. He speaks words and I listen intently, wanting to savour every moment together before she takes him away from me. He tells me another funny story and we laugh together. Finally she comes and stops in front of us.

She gives him the look and he turns towards me, almost guilty but hops off the cement block and walks behind her. I watch as they leave together and feel my heart break, but I quickly recover for I am used to him leaving me for her. I never really understood it. He doesn't even like her. I don't even like her yet we've both told her things that we haven't told anyone else. We haven't even told each other.

I fold my legs and hum the song that he'll be singing on a day that is soon to come. As I hum I think about his low melodic voice and how I wish that I would be the one singing with him but alas she always finds a way to pry us apart and I can't take it! The jealousy kills me especially since we have so little time together. I put my head in my hands and think about positive things like all the stuff we've done together. Like laugh, and talk and hi-five. THe thoughts make me smile and I adjust the snake glove on my arm again.

The snake glove we found together, the snake glove we named together because our insanity unites us all the more. I hug my knees and pet the snake. Letting the soft fabric skim my fingers every so often. I hear crunching in the grass and I know that he has returned to me but my gaze stays focused on the snake.

"What're you thinking about?" He says and I shrug still not looking at him.

"Nothing important. Just that this will all end so soon and I'll never see you again." I admit and i silently curse myself for the burning in my eyes that meant tears were on their way. I feel his shoulder touch mine because he moved closer. I look him In the eyes that were so close to my face.

"Then come back." He says and I stare at him blankly. "Just promise me you'll come back next year, and we can do this all again. We can laugh again, we can sing again, we can dance again, we can-" he stops himself and I find myself wondering what he was gonna but I knew what I was thinking.

I can like you again.

And I have no shame in it. He's touched my heart in places that i didn't even know

existed. I want him to just hold me and promise me he'll never let me go. Promise me that he'll never disappear with her again. Promise me that we'll stay together while we have the time because that's all I want. To be with him.

"Promise me." He speaks again and look down at my fingers. "Promise me I'll see you again, promise me you'll come back here." He says and I smile. Did I really wanna make this promise? I don't even know if I could keep it but the fluttering in my heart and in my my mind were preventing me from crushing his hopes.

Something can be arranged, for love.

"I promise that I'll come back so that you can see me again and we can do everything all over again." I assure him even though it was more of an assurance to myself.

Soon we were all ushered back inside to perfect everything in our performance for we will be entertaining many people tonight. I was called onto our makeshift stage that was dusty and had many foot prints on it.

The music begins and as I sing my song of love I stare at him and he stares back at me watching my every move and I smile because I felt like this song was for him. It was more of a goodbye though for tomorrow would be our last day together and I didn't want that.

I step off the stage finished with my song and walk to where he was standing hoping to get a greeting before he has to go onstage leaving me. He flashes me a thumbs up and I move to stand beside him when she comes again, gives him a look and they both leave me there. something about that breaks my heart for he always leaves me for her and it doesn't make any sense! We hate her! Or at least I thought he did but he couldn't if he keeps staying with her.

My back slides down the wall and I hit the floor. I put my cheek on my knee and pet the snake glove on my arm. Taousk, that's the snake name. I came up with it after the performers and I had a water balloon fight and my friend named after a flower attempted to steal him from me and I had to get him back.

"Is Taousk okay?" He asks me and I look at him noticing the playful smirk on his face.

I return the smirk and nod and he smiles at me, Showing me teeth lined with metal but I don't care, I still think that he's incredibly handsome on the inside. Attractive dudes have never really appealed to me as much because they were never nice people.

" you have big lips." He says to me and I chuckle remembering back to that time.

"You have a big mouth." I Tell him and he smiles his humongous smile and his blue braces shine. He begins to pet Taousk and I watch his fingers move across my wrist. I feel the warmth of his fingers through the thin fabric of the glove. The feeling is so peaceful yet affectionate at the same time and again I find my self wondering if he feels the same way about me that I do

about him. We find ourselves moving closer to each other till our shoulders touch.

"You know what I realized?" He mumbles to me so that the people on stage or sitting in the audience can't hear us. I shrug and nod inviting Him to continue the story.

"I'm gonna miss you the most." He admits and I look at him but he's turned away. I can see the slight blush on his face but say nothing because I know that we are both in a state of involuntary redness. I put my head on his shoulder. His head snaps towards me but yet he speaks no words so I leave my head where it is.

"You'll be the only one I'll miss." I Tell him honestly and he touches my hand.

" I wish there were some way for me to contact you." He says and I smile sadly. "That way this goodbye would never have to happen" he mumbles and I nod in agreement. I look into his eyes that are filled with sorrow. "I just wish we had more time." He whispers to me and I smile.

"We'll have all the time we need next year. I'll come for both sessions and I'll make sure that you'll be a priority." I promise.

"But until then." I say. "Remember me."

A smile pulls at the corners of his mouth and threatens to take over his face.

"I will." He says but that's not good enough for me. I shake my head and narrow my eyes at him.

"You must promise me to never forget me. Our times here together or Taousk. Remember me always because there could be a chance that we won't see each other, so please don't forget me." I beg him. He grips my hands tightly.

"I promise. I won't forget you."

Then he's taken away. Not by her but by time.

Don't forget meWhere stories live. Discover now