Rainy Day

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The rain fell hard upon the studio roof as the music from the speaker echoed through the room. Shoes of the two boys making loud stomping noises against the slick wooden floor as they continued to dance to the music. It's been hours since they started and it was becoming late as their bodies started to feel tense and sore.

"I don't think this choreography is fitting the music." Jungkook said angrily while stoping the music for the thousandth time. Jimin knew the younger wanted this to be perfect but he didn't understand why he was acting like this so suddenly.

Jimin placed his hand on Jungkook's back moving it in a slow circles trying to calm him down. "It's ok Jungkook, it goes perfectly with the music. Everything is going to be ok." Jimin said softly.

Jungkook shook his head and moved away from Jimin, slightly pushing him. He was so upset with everything that his stress was becoming anger and he was only pushing it on to anyone that was with him. Jimin was the person to see that side of him.

"Nothing is coming together like I want it too. We need to start over again." Jungkook went to tune the music but felt a hand around his wrist stopping him. Jimin didn't want Jungkook to over work himself and it was very late for the both of them.

"We can focus on this in the morning, we need to sleep." Jimin looked at Jungkook hoping his words would register. Sadly they didn't.

"If you don't want to practice anymore than you can just leave." Jungkook said coldly while snatching his hand from Jimin's grip. He sighed deeply knowing his anger wasn't with Jimin but with himself and his thoughts.

Jimin could only feel anger with the younger at this point. He made it seem like Jimin didn't care about the performance when that clearly wasn't true. All Jimin wanted was for Jungkook to realize no matter what happens he will always be by his side.

"Well if you really feel that way then I will go," Jimin voice cracked as he spoke. Jungkook wasn't facing Jimin and he could only imagine the hurt on his face. He wanted to hug him and tell him he was sorry but he was just to stubborn to admit his wrongs.

He could hear footsteps walking farther and farther away from him until they stopped. "Don't call me." Jimin felt the tears build up in his eyes as the words left his lips.

The rain was stronger than it was before me Jimin's tears fell among the raindrops that fell onto his skin. He got into his car and looked at the studio building that contained the man he loved so much. Jimin felt his heart telling him to run back inside and check on Jungkook. He truly did love him but that didn't give him the right to treat him poorly when he was upset. Jimin only let out a choked sigh and left the parking lot.

Jungkook cursed loudly at himself as he heard the sound of Jimin's car drive away. He messed up, real bad. Jimin didn't deserve any of his hurtful actions because all he ever did was care for him. His eyes were becoming blurry and his chest started to feel tight, the feeling of guilt cane over him. What if this was the last straw for Jimin? Imagining a life without Jimin being apart of it only made the tears fall after from Jungkook's eyes. He had to make this right.

He grabbed his hoodie and phone, dashing out into the pouring rain. Jungkook knew Jimin's house couldn't be that far away so he ran into a direction that he assumed could be where Jimin lived.

The rain poured hard upon the fabric of Jungkook's hoodie, making it soaked. He didn't know where he was going this point and he felt hopeless. He was tired and sore from running and dancing. With hesitation Jungkook pulled out his phone and hovered over Jimin's phone number. None the less, he pressed it.

Jimin arrived to his house when his phone began to ring. He looked at the caller and felt his heart skip a beat. Jimin answered the phone and heard the sound of heavy rain on the other line. "I told you not to call me." Jimin said softly. He felt terrible after saying that when he heard faint sobs on the phone.

"Jimin I'm sorry." Jungkook said hoarsely, his throat felt like it was closing and it made it hard for him to breathe.

"Where are you?" Jimin asked starting up his car again and started to drive through the neighborhood. Jungkook couldn't describe where he was because he didn't know the area well. Jimin drove down the street making sure to keep an eye out to see Jungkook.

Jimin kept driving until he seen a figure on the side of the road wearing a black hoodie. He slowed down and seen that the figure was Jungkook. Jimin got out of the car feeling his clothes get soaked once again as he approached the younger.

"Jimin I'm so sorry." Jungkook said as he pulled Jimin closer. The rain falling upon them as they embraced each other.

"I know baby." Jimin said almost in a whisper. He pulled away to look at Jungkook's face. There was obvious tear stains mixed with rain on his face, Jimin took the sleeve of his shirt and lightly rubbed it under his eye. Jungkook felt like he could melt at the feeling that f the soft fabric.

"I love you." Jungkook caressed the side of Jimin's face making the older blush. Jimin wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and pulled him closer until their lips were almost touching.

"I love you too." Jimin whispered softly before pulling Jungkook towards him and making their lips collide. They kissed each other softly wanting to be lost in this moment forever. The feeling they got every time they were near each other their love only grew stronger.

They'll always love each other no matter what.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this short story and I hope all of you are doing well. 💕

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