I could be dead by the morning

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The sky was emotional, like the unmistakably unsteady beat of my heart . The splashing rain drops patronised me with its thunderous roars of laughter, drip, drip, drip, it never ended. Mocking me the birds joined in with their sweetly deceptive sounds of chitter chatter, awakening the ferocity the jungle had tried to slumber. The puddles dared me to jump in and make a sound ; one after the other the trees looked on as their jackets had become shelter to the glamorised animals , who strut about with an air of aloofness as peacocks do, now become petrified as the realisation sinks in on the danger that has been posed. The leaves, oh the leaves, oh how they dreaded the exposure to the violent storms the clouds realised from within its bosoms. Like a waterfall released by the heavens it was beautiful. Drip drop they said as the night created in, this nightmare wasn't going to end, because it was only the beginning and the war had just started.

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