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Hey, welcome to my first attempt at story on here let me know what think. I'm curious. This will probably turn into a book full of different one shots but for now I'm gonna keep it at just this one till I make another. Anyways enjoy!!:)
-Words: 1548

August 25th, 1:23pm
~ you're so pretty I can't take my eyes off of you.

August 27th, 3:55pm
~ During school today I couldn't seem to concentrate with you around.

August 31st, 1:15am
~ My heart flutters so much because of you. It might be the death of me one day.

September 14th, 4:05pm
~ I finally talked to you! You are as kind and polite as I thought you would be.

September 17th,11:47pm
~ I want to talk to you again but I don't know how to approach you. I hope the teacher picks the partners like the last time. Maybe I'll be partnered with you again.

September 21st, 4:32pm
~ Yes! I was paired with you today in science. I think we got along really well you are so easy to talk to!

September 22nd, 4:30pm
~ You walked home with me today we talked a lot on the way to my house. I'm so excited I'm talking to you! You're such a fun person!

September 25th, 4:15pm
~ You came over with your friends and sat at my table at lunch today! They are all really nice and funny, you have really great friends.

October 2nd, 2:12am
~ As we get grow closer, the fluttering in my heart gets more intense. But I can't tell you how I feel... at least not yet.

October 9th, 8:47pm
~ You Came over to my house today we had so much fun, we played video games and talked about so many different things. I think...
I love you.

October 21st, 5:20pm
~ We hangout together almost every day now. I think I have a shot with you.

November 4th, 7:26pm
~ I just bought us matching bracelets! I hope you'll like it, it's something to symbolize our friendship and hopefully one day something more. I'll give it to you tomorrow.

November 5th, 3:51pm
~ I gave you the bracelet today. You looked so happy when I gave it to you. I think I'll confess to you soon . I hope you'll like me too.

November 12th, 1:56am
~ You are so adorable! I love your smile. Everything you do feels like it's done with such care and perfection. You are so sweet... like a cookie. That's it!! That's my new nickname for you Kookie. I've been meaning to give you one ever since you started calling me Jiminie. I'll try it on you tomorrow.

November 13th, 4:06pm
~ I called you Kookie today. The smile that appeared on your face after I called you that was so wide I swear my heart almost burst out of my chest. I think you really liked it. I'm gonna confess to you in a few days. I just have to figure out what I want to say. Wish me luck!!

November 18th, 6:02am
~ Today's the day I'm gonna confess after school when you come to my house later. I'm so nervous but also excited! I really hope you like me too.

November 18th, 3:37pm
      ~ During lunch today Taehyung confessed to liking you. I guess we had the same idea. Except he got to you sooner. It was in front of the whole lunch room too he had flowers and everything. He must have been really confident that you would like him back. I guess he was right.

November 23rd, 4:36pm
      ~ You asked me if something was wrong today. I just told you I was tired and not to worry even though I wasn't tired.  But what I said was enough to convince you I guess because then you quickly went off to say hello to Taehyung. You guys are a cute couple. Cuter than we would ever be I guess.

December 12th, 4:10am
      ~ I wish my heart would stop fluttering around you. I need to get over you it really impacting my grades, but it's so hard when I get to see your stunning smile and infectious laugh everyday. It almost makes me want to smile too, until I realize that I can't because every time you cause me to smile I feel like I'm falling deeper for you.

December 17th, 3:24am
      ~ This pain is so unbearable. I wonder if I had confessed sooner you would be holding my hand and looking at me the same way you look at him, with so much love and admiration. I guess I'll never know.

January 5th, 10:21pm
      ~ It's nice that you and I still hangout all the time. I always have so much fun and forget about your relationship with Taehyung... almost.

January 11th, 1:01am
      ~ I have to tell you my feelings. I know you won't feel the same. Part of me hopes that...... no it won't happen. You love Taehyung and I have to accept that. My first step to accepting that and moving on is to confess so it doesn't eat me up inside anymore.

January 18th, 3:45pm
      ~ I'm gonna do it. Today I will confess and then get over you. I can do this.
    Jimin closed his notebook as he waited for Jungkook at the school gate. It was the end of the day and Jungkook was going over to hangout with Jimin after school. Jimin was nervous beyond belief as he played with his bracelet. It was the matching one that him and Jungkook shared.       Jungkook then finally came into view through the crowd of students anxious to go home. He was holding hands with Taehyung. Jimin waves to get Jungkook's attention. Jungkook saw then waved and smiled back after kissing Taehyung on the cheek and saying goodbye as he walked over to Jimin.
Jimin thought Jungkook looked breathtaking even if he was just in his school uniform. Jimin thought that Jungkook pulled off the look better than any student he had ever see.
    "Hey," Jungkook said. "You ready to go?" Jimin let out a forced smile and excited nod saying "yeah, let's go!" With as much game enthusiasm as he could muster.
The two boys started the walk to Jimin's house in a comfortable silence. Until a few minutes passes and Jimin spoke up.
    " H-hey Jungkookie I have something to tell you. I already know your answer but I just need to get it off my chest so I can move on and hopefully continue to be friends with you." Jimin said looking down at his shoes.
His whole aura screamed hesitance and nervousness but the words he spoke sounded dejected as if he had already given up and accepted the outcome.
Jungkook then looked at Jimin as they walked and said,  "What is it Jiminie?" Jungkook has a worried tone in his voice as he looked at Jimin with concern. Jimin has always been so happy he wondered what had happened to him.
    "I love you," Said Jimin, " I've had a crush on you since you were so kind to the lost freshman in the hallway on the first day of school a few months ago. You were so polite and charming anyone would fall for you." Jimin continued quickly to make sure he got every word out before Jungkook would interrupt. "I know you are with Taehyung, and you look really happy and content with him. I'm glad for that. I just needed to tell you my feeings so I could start to move on from my crush on you."
Jimin finished looking up from the ground and at Jungkook. Jimin's were eyes full of sadness with a little speck of hope, hoping the that Jungkook may return his feelings.
They both had stopped waking a long time ago and were now facing each other. Jungkook's has widened at Jimin's confession trying to process what his friend had said.
After what seemed like hours to Jimin, Jungkook finally spoke up with a quiet "oh.... I didn't know you felt this way thanks for letting me know. I hope by telling me it will help you move on. I'm sorry Jimin," Jungkook said in a quiet empathetic voice, " I'm sorry I don't feel the same. You are an amazing person with a lovely and fun personality I just see you as one of my closest friends. I really am sorry." Jungkook said in the most gentle and caring way possible in hopes to not break his friends heart even more.
After Jungkook spoke Jimin's eyes became glassy, but he still nodded his head and gave a small broken smile and quietly saying saying, " I know Kookie. It's okay, I'm going to continue going home alone. I'll see you tomorrow at school." Jungkook gave an understanding nod and a small comforting smile to Jimin. Jimin turned and walked towards his house letting the silent tears fall down his face.
He got home and sat at the desk in his room wiping his tears as he pulled  his notebook out for one last time.

January 18th, 4:27pm
      ~ Today I confessed to you. It went as I expected it to but even though I knew the outcome I didn't ever expect it to hurt this much. I think I can now finally try to get over you Kookie.
But I think no matter how much I try to get over you my heart will always flutter when your around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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