Chapter 1

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I've been searching all these years. I've had to fight many people and monsters just to find her. Guild after guild, wizard after wizard, and failure after failure.

"I'm sick and tired of all of these wizards already. Thinking they're so awesome becuase they belong to a stupid guild." That's my jealousy talking. I wish I could be apart of a guild. They look fun. But I have a mission and a promise to keep. But it hurts to see everyone so happy, except for me. But throughout my search, I found out that not all are happy with a guild. I sigh as I walk the paths of Magnolia.

This place is so beautiful. It would be awesome to live here. I might be able to because she might be here. I've been searching for her my whole life. She's a wizard so she must be in a guild by now. I've been to every guild known to man, dark or not. Fairy Tail is the last guild that I will have to search in. She has to be here. She just has to. And if she's not, I don't know what I would do. I sigh as I think of the lonely days I've spent inside of bedrooms. All alone, waiting for someone to be at your side. And then being disappointed to find out that there is no one there, after waiting so long.

The salty taste of the ocean spraying into my face was refreshing. Everyone here looked so happy and content with life. No body looks out of place or unhappy. I sat on the rock wall I had been balancing on for a while. I watched as little children run around trees and bushes, playing, laughing, and smiling with one another.

"They just bring smiles to your faces, them little rascals," an old lady smiles sweetly as she sits next to me on the rock wall.

"Yeah. They do," I lightly chuckle.

"What you be doin' here up on this wall?" she asks.

"Breathing, taking in life," I say deeply. "Thinking."

"It's nice to have time to yourself, that it is," she nods knowingly. "Leave ya to your thinkin' then. Have a nice day," she eases herself off the wall and walks away with a wave.

"You, too," I whisper.

I grab a red ribbon from inside my little pouch and tie my hair up in a single pony tail. I leap off the wall and let my hair gently brush the floor. Wow, my hair got long. I can't cut it now though. Part of the promise, that it is. I say, playfully mimicking the lady's accent. I giggle to myself as I walk up the hill towards the Fairy Tail guild.

Wonder if people are the same here as they were in Phantom Lord. That guild wasn't very nice. I put on my brightest and sweetest smile possible and push open the large yet surprisingly light, wooden, double doors.

I walked in whispering, "Sorry for the intrusion," and was astonished to find that everyone was so happy and joyful.

A girl with white hair stepped up to me and smiled kindly. "Hello, how may I help you?" she asks.

"Um, I'm looking for someone?" I question myself. I didn't know how to put it. That was the best I could do.

"Oh? And who might this person be?"

"I don't know. I guess I might know when I see her," I think about what my mother had said she might look like. "Oh! Do you have anybody here with red hair?"

The whole guild froze and looked in my direction. All eyes were on me and I could feel myself slowly shrinking back from all of the attention.

"We do actually," the white-haired girl smiled as if there wasn't a thousand eyes watching her.

At that moment, my heart stopped beating. She might actually be the one. "You do?" I couldn't hold in my happiness. I felt like my whole body was going to explode.

"Actually, now that you mention it, you look a lot like her. Except you have turquoise hair," she said, confused.

That's it. That was the limit. I could feel my eyes brightening and my whole body figgeting and shaking with excitement. Tears started streaming down my face. "You mean I actually found her?" I was sobbing now. I couldn't help myself, I felt so embarassed. But my happiness and relief was clouding my blush.

"You mean you were looking for Erza?"

"Erza? Is that what her name is?" What a beautiful name. I can't wait to meet her.

"Erza! There seems to be someone here for you!" she yells over her shoulder.

"Thank you so much! You have no idea how long I've been searching for her," I leaped at the white-haired girl and gave her a big bear hug. "Thank you, thank you," I sob even more.

"Even though I don't understand what's going on, you're welcome and I'm glad I could help you find the person you were looking for," she replies happily.

These people are so kind. There were eyes still staring at me. I smiled nervously as I waited for her to come here.

A pink-haired boy, about my age, walked up to the girl and said, "Erza's on a mission right now. I'm sorry but you could wait here with us until she gets back," he smiles sweetly.

Hearts of gold. I think to myself. "Thank you. My names Emma Blue."

Here it comes the odd looks. "Blue, huh?" he grins. "Cool."

Cool? He thinks my name is cool. Usually people would think that it was weird. My last name isn't really mine. It's what my adopted parents call me because of my hair.

"Matches your hair too. The turquoise hair and the red tips. The tips are pretty badass." he grins, idiotically.

"Thanks, I guess," I nervously laugh.

"Names Natsu Dragneel. Come sit with us," he motioned to a table with two girls, two boys and three...talking cats?

"My name is Mira-Jane Strauss. But just call me Mira-Jane or Mira," she smiles.

"Ok," but before I could say anything else, Natsu grabs my hand and yanks me over to the table. He had an adorable grin on that made his whole face light up with joy. This one has a heart of diamonds. Precious and shining brighter than anyone here. I smile to myself. Maybe, if she isn't the one I'm looking for, maybe, I could join this guild.

He sat me down next to a blonde girl with a side pony-tail, "Hi, my name's Lucy," she smiles. I don't like this one. She seems like she could be annoying. But it's not right for me to judge, even though I'm usually right.

"Names Emma," I smile back.

Natsu points to a darker blue-haired girl with a one of those talking cats in her arms. "That's Wendy and Carla," he then points to a dark, dark blue-haired boy that was in his underwear, "That's a pervert, not very important, and that's Gajeel," he points to a black haired boy with piercings on his face.

"Hey! I'm not a pervert, pyro!" the boy exclaims. "My names Gray," he says politely to me.

"Nice to meet you," I smile politely. These are my kind of people. I giggle.

"And the blue cat is Happy and the black one is PantherLily. Or just Lily for short," he greets.

"Nice to meet you," I nod.

"Want a fish," Happy hands me a raw fish.

"Sure," I grab it and start nibbling little chunks off. They all looked shocked. Even Happy. "What?"

Happy started crying. "You actually took it. You are so nice! No one has ever done that before!" he sobbed. He dashed over and hugged me.

"Ew! You actually ate that? Gross!" Lucy exclaims, standing up and edging away from me. Yup, definitely irritating.

"Yeah. Got a problem?" My little irritated side came out. Everyone in the guild stopped what they were doing again and were backing away in fright.

"Just like Erza!" I heard someone whisper.

"Oh no! Two Erza's. One was hard enough!" Another person said.

I blushed and sat back down in my seat. It has to be her. I smile excitedly.

After Natsu regained his composure, he sat up straight once again. "What buisness do you have with Erza anyway?"

I paused and smiled. "She might be my twin sister."

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