Something's off...

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The day begins in the cul de sac, at exactly 6:15am edd's alarm goes off.
edd get's up, and dressed as per usual. and procceds to check his calender, labled.. calender.
it's febuary 6th, almost a week from the peach creek highs  valentines day dance!
edd swoons, for he has a special someone in mind,
"oh goodness!" he says, for its now 6:47. He quikly gets dressed, eats breakfast, then goes to school, to be greeted by his friends,
"hey sockhead!" his friend eddy booms.
"hiya double d" says his other friend ed
"hello gentlemen.".
the three procced to goof off until double dee remebers something super important!
"oh my!" he exclaims "I shall be seeing you soon, I...Uh.. need to go do something" he stuttered
he rushes down the hall because he in fact, forgot to buy tickets to the actual dance! He finally reaches the booth to be met by lee, marie, and may, also known as the kankers.
"hello ladies.. uh.. 2 tickets to the dance please." edd mumbles.
"okay muffins, totals 3$ because you're not taking me and I need a 1$ consultance fee" marie cooed smugly.
"hey!! this is hardly just!" edd screeched
"take it or leave it" lee said mockingly
edd sighed and handed them 3$
"so who's the lucky guy anyway?" may swooned.
edd had came out to the cul de sac about a year ago. Needless to say, no one was suprised. Except kevin who made fun of him for it, then the cul de sac lovingly gave him the cold sholder. For two days. including nazz. marie had a bit of a hard time with it until she relized that fact wasn't going to change.
"oh, nobody.." edd said blushing. It was in fact somebody, but he was too shy to say. heck, he hadn't even asked them out yet! Suddenly the bell rung, and he had to scurry off to class, his mind filled with curiosity, and more importantly, love.

The valentines crush (eddy x double d)Where stories live. Discover now