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This is an old story I wrote in my Creative Writing class. Let me know what you think of it.




The fear in my gut is the only evidence of what is happening is real, my heart pounds violently in my chest as I hear the voices getting closer. I try to slow my breathing but anxiety has taken over, I wrap my arms around my knees and close my eyes hoping it would stop. Trying to think about anything to distract me,  the door violently swings open, and hits the wall next to it with a loud bang. I flinch, thrown back from my thoughts with eyes shut and breath still, I sit there frozen hoping they will leave without noticing my absence. But the chaos continues and the voices stay amplified getting closer to me, I wait counting to fifteen and can't hold my breath any longer. I slowly began to breath again, trying not to let my anxiety reveal me. I focus on my breathing, slowly in and out. Then  I realize the silence, I open my eyes and...


            "Mom you know how long I've been looking forward to this! Don't start now with your crazy talk please!" I looked to my mom with the best look of pleading I could. She smiled at me and I knew I had to change the subject quick. I looked at her with desperation.  "Alright, alright, I'll let it go. For now. But don't think that means I'm not going to take you to the Airport, I want to make sure I don't see my baby girl get taken from me. Oh I'm going to miss you so much Katherine honey."

"I know mom, but you keep forgetting that I'm only going for two weeks. And I'm going with Kayla and her brother, so I'll be safe"

She loves to do that, try to guilt me into doing what she wants me to do. And now that I am finally taking my dream trip to Europe she has been pulling the same excuses to change my mind. It is getting pretty annoying, and I cannot make the day come any sooner. But it's finally here, I could almost feel the cold marble from all the historical landmarks waiting for me,  and she was trying to scare me out of it, looking up crime rates and kidnappings in Europe and placing them on the fridge. She's now on the topic of drug lords kidnapping American girls and using them as sex slaves.

"Well I just want to make sure you know what your getting yourself into, before you get on that plane. Are you sure you don't want to go to some place safer, smaller?"

"No mom, I'm going to Europe. I've already bought my ticket."

"But they could give you a refund or a trade or something? How about going to Wales its beautiful during the summer."

"Mom, I've decided. And I'm going to Europe."

She gave me her look of disappointment and then shrugged, she has done this every time I said I was still going.

I went to my room and finished packing. I grab the book about Europe and smiled placing it into my carry-on. My mother is sitting waiting for me in the car, I get all of my things and place them into the back then go into the passenger seat.

Chapter 2       

            We get to the airport and I check my luggage in, I wait with my mother by  my planes boarding area, and text Kayla. She said we would meet an hour before our plane took off, but she isn't here. She responds saying her brother got sick with the stomach flu last night and had to go to the ER, but that she'd be there soon. So I let my mother know she was running late.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2012 ⏰

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