Hit by a quirk and where am i?

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Yagi toshinori, who was secretly all might, the number one hero of all time, was walking down the street on his way back to U.A. He had become a teacher there a while back ago. He didn't think he was that good at teaching since it was his first time teaching and all but he was going to be doing his absolutely best at teaching those kids and one of those kids, he was already teaching a bit since he is his successor for one for all. He just knew izuku midoriya would be the best hero every, because he already has the heart of a hero. So he knew young midoriya was the best choice in choosing him for his successor. Because young midoriya wants to save people, he will save people and become the best kind of hero. He just knew it, he smiled happily as he continued to U.A. "Watch out!" He heard before he was hit by a quirk. He stared at the young man whose quirk went off. "I'm so sorry!" The young man kept apologizing to him. "It's alright young man. But what does the quirk do?" He asked the young man. "Oh it's uh, a de aged quirk. It de ages people to any time they were younger and were happier too. It wears off in about a week or two depending on how old the person is and what age they were de aged to." The young man started explaining in great detail on how his quirk works and affects people. "Oh and Um your going to be de aged sometime today so um maybe go home or something and explain to a family or friend do they can take care of you." He told him before heading his own way. Yagi blinked, oh sh**, aizawa was not going to be happy about this. He thought as he started hurrying back to U.A to explain what happened before he actually starts to de age.

When he finally got there, he felt a bit relieved as he went to the principal in a hurry. He barely got to say hello to anyone because he knew he had to hurry and explain before he de aged. So he quickly went past just about everyone and only muttered a hello before he was gone, causing people to blink because that's not what he usually did. He quickly got to nezu, the principal. He was able to quickly explain to him what happened and nezu actually looked amused and signed. "Oh yagi what am I going to do with you?" Nezu said still amused. "I'm sorry, I didn't notice until I was hit by the quirk." Yagi said. "Don't worry about it." Nezu said. Then he called for the other teachers to explain what happened and all that stuff. While they were in a teacher meetings, the students starting talking about what must have happened to the skeleton man, the only person who knew who he was, was izuku midoriya himself and possibly Katsuki bakugou. They were almost all talking about what was happening when a few minutes later the teachers can back with a kid who looked a bit confused on where he was but otherwise happy. "This is toshinori yagi, he was hit by a quirk earlier that de ages people to when they were the most happiest. We are going to have to keep an eye on him because he has no current relatives known to us." One of the teachers to the students.

The students nodded as they understand a bit on what their teachers told them. They mostly went back to what they were doing except for class 1-a, izuku and bakugou were both staring at yagi. One of them was frowning and the other stared at his mentor and thought that the kid version of all might was adorable. Quite a few of the students went up to toshinori yagi and started asking him questions like how old he was and all that. "I'm four!" Kid yagi replied to one of the questions asked. "What's your quirk yagi?" Another student asked and the others got curious as to what his quirk was. "I don't have one yet. Mama didn't have a quirk, dad, I don't know who he was so I wouldn't know what kind of quirk dad had since he was never around. Mama told me it was alright if I didn't have a quirk so I don't care if I get one or not. All I care about on whose good or bad opinion of me is mama!" Toshinori said happily and the students looked at him shocked, startled, sympathy, and annoyance by a certain individual. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Another student asked. "I want to be a person who helps people and saves them with a smile on my face!" Toshinori declares still happy. With that sentence, everyone was suddenly reminded of all might who saved people and smiles.

They continue to ask different questions with Toshinori yagi answering and asking questions himself. His head tilted at one point, making almost all the students awe at the adorable kid all might but non except for one or two students actually knew who Toshinori really was. "I wanna help people, I don't care how, I just want to help people feel safe and just help them. I don't care what stands in my way, either me being quirkless or having a quirk that doesn't help people at all. I will help people! Just like I want to help mama! It doesn't really matter if a person is quirkless, if they want to help someone, they can help people in their own way!" Yagi said. Yes I know, different then older Toshinori isn't he? Someone thought, hmm I wonder if something happened to change that mindset a little? Then yagi yawned, rubbing his eyes a little. "Oh it must be nap time." Yaoyorozu said thoughtfully and a few of the other kids noticed the time as well. They thought wow I didn't expect so much time to go by as we asked yagi questions. A few of them headed over to one of the teachers who was listening to what some of the other teachers were talking about, which surprise, surprise, they were talking about young yagi here and one of them mentioned something about all might but they ignored what they were saying for now. "Um yagi is tired, where can he sleep at?" Denki asked the teacher who looked at them when they got closer.

"Hm..well he can sleep at the dorms until the quirk wears off. Which might take a week or two depending the age yagi was and what age he deaged too. We don't really know much about it, we don't know if it last longer the older they were to how young they were deaged to. So it might last for a long while or for a short while." The teacher told them and they nodded their head. They headed to the dorms with yagi in tow, they arrived at their dorms. "Where is yagi going to be sleeping at though?" Mina asked curiously. The rest froze as if that thought just came to mind. "Hmm.. maybe the couch?" Denki said thoughtfully. A few students hummed at that, but most were unsure about that. "Hm... maybe he could room with one of us or we could get a small bed for him until the quirk wears off?" Izuku said and then started rambling about what they could do. A few sweat dropped at that, that's izuku for you. Yagi looked at izuku with wide eyes and izuku noticed. "Yes do you need something Yagi?" Izuku asked him a bit curious. The deaged app might nodded his head, "yeah, you talk a lot like mama does, and oh yeah call me Toshinori." Yag- no Toshinori said and they all looked at each other and accepted that he wanted them to use his first name. They decided the Toshinori would be getting a small bed to sleep on at night until the quirk wears off. After they got one, Toshinori was out like a light when he laid down on it. The students shared amused looks with one another and another student pulled a blanket over Toshinori so he would stay warm. They al headed to bed afterwards.

Yay I finally finished with 1417 words! Comment and like my story please! Comment what you think and if I should try adding another chapter to it? Oh well bye for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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