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"I'm freezing my ass off!" Renjun hissed, stomping his feet in his snow boots which were practically submerged if not for the cute rim of fur circling his upper calf on show.

Jaemin, clapping his gloved hands together to find friction, had adorable red cheeks and a red button nose from the atrocious minus degree temperature.

This had to have been the worst snow the country had seen in years.

"I feel like I'm in the goddamn tundra," Chenle sighed, sitting down at the bus-stop and watching as the puff of steam that his warm mouth elicited dissipated before him. "It's baltic!"

"Are we just going to sit here spitting out the obvious," Mark rolled his eyes, "Or are we going to change topic and talk about something more fun. Like the fact that it's nearly Christmas and the lights in town will be out."

"It's November!" Jaemin almost cried, collapsing onto his knees to be melodramatic though sinking much further than he had originally intended and screaming as melting snow started to run into his jacket.

I don't know whether I should cry about how senseless they all are, or about the fact that we'll be adults in a couple of years and they haven't grown the hell up yet.....Mark thought to himself, sighing as he leaned down to help Jaemin up.

"Oh, there's the bus," Chenle informed them, extending his hand, which was encased in a mitten, to point towards the vehicle slowly shuddering towards them.

The mountains around them were dusted white, like icing sugar on a cake. Small, seldom flakes descended from the heavens, pretending to act innocent when really this was all a bit of a disaster.

If the roads got any worse than they were now, Mark wouldn't be able to get home for the holiday. His sweet, beautiful fluffy pyjamas would lay dormant in his drawers, calling out to him from miles away.

"Kids, there's only one bus taking people back to this stop later," the older man behind the wheel immediately spoke as the doors hissed open. "It's at about seven thirty, and this road will be closed off for the foreseeable future."

"What? Why?!" Jaemin whined, eyes big and puppy like while his pout became evident.

"Sorry kids, you live out in the middle of nowhere. There's nobody to clear the snow each day....."

"Then why are the roads fine now?" Renjun pressed, folding his arms like a child who never heard the word 'no'.

"Dunno. Someone must've done the deed today. But it's too dangerous, so are you boarding or not? Bearing in mind, that the trip is an hour and forty minutes now with cautious driving."

Mark sighed, wrapping his arm around his taller friend's shoulder. "I'm sorry Jaem, it's just not worth it.  Once we get there, we'll only have about two hours at most to enjoy our time before having to leave....."

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now