Ev3r s1ncsh eye was yung snoop catt eye was called snopp doggg!! but th3y r stupid and dont no its acshually snoop catt! spred the wurd abot this!!! peeple ned to know mie truu identititity!
I suffret from depession but den i fownd @ivyluvshimetime and den i reely happ33!! his fanficshun is jus so gud and wen eye red it i had thiz gud fe3lin in my stomak. Eye hop3 sh3 ke3ps ritin udderwis3 i mite kilmyself bcoz nuttin 3lse is gud!!! sh3 is mie inzpirayshun and eye hope mie writin iz ash gud as hers!!!!
Mi bi0graffee
Non-Fictionhelo eye am snooop catt noty snooop doggg!!! peeople alway say sn00p dogg but th3y r rong!! dis storee is abut mie l1f3!!!! mie lief is not v3ry gud but d3n i read @ivyluvshimetime fanficshuns and I am hap33!!!! subscrib to mie chanel 4 my viedyos!