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"Ugh, how do I always lose?" Jisung groaned, throwing his thin frame back against the couch and dropping his awful hand of cards down to the coffee table. "Renjun is cheating. Definitely."

"Do you think I'd be so low as to cheat in a simple match of Go Fish?" The Chinese furrowed his brows indignantly. "Furthermore, why would I waste my time when all of you are clearly amateurs. I've only just learned the rules, need I remind you?"

Jeno shook out his dark and glossy hair, not having won a single match either. So far, Renjun had claimed victory in three, Donghyuck in one, and Chenle in the very first round.

Jisung proceeded to partake from his hot chocolate which had been cooling down on the table. The smell was enticing, and it made Mark crave for the hot drink.

"Did you hear the shitty news?" Jaemin enquired shortly, taking up everyone's cards and reshuffling the deck.

"Is this about the fact that we may not be able to leave for the midterm break?" Donghyuck confirmed.


"Nah, haven't heard," the older teased, and Jeno kicked his shin from across the table, since he was able to jokingly do so when friends with the victim.

"That's so annoying!" Mark complained, holding his face in his hands and groaning. "I want to go home......"

"Oh, do you miss your parents?" Chenle hummed.

"Eh, not really. I just want my pyjamas and to get the hell out of my dorm." The oldest's spiteful gaze shot imaginary venom towards Donghyuck, making it all too clear that it was his fault.

"Yeah," Renjun agreed in a low murmur, "I haven't been able to sleep recently because it's so stupidly cold. As well as that nasty little phone Jaemin can't put down."

"Hey, my brightness is always at its lowest!" The bluette shoved his finger in the older's face. "Also, there's no volume."

"Well how about you try falling asleep when someone has some annoying screen right beside your bed! Literally, everyone else goes to sleep by ten at the latest, yet you continue to bother me well into the early morning!"

"Can we relax?" Jeno interjected, snapping his fingers between their staring contest and succeeding in grabbing their attention. "Yes, Jaemin's screen is extremely annoying. But we haven't raised the fact that you crawl from bed to bed because of sleepwalking."

"Damn," Donghyuck cackled, bending over his knees to compensate for his laughter. "That's so funny. You sleep in everyone's beds?"

Mark gritted his teeth, having so many comebacks for this that would both defend his best friend as well as roast his enemy......but again, the poor soul was too kind for such petty acts.

𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸; markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now