No Strings Attached~ Harry Styles Love Story

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Harry held onto my shoulders as we both sneaked into the house as our feet were tiptoeing on top of the hardwood waxed flooring. My hip bumped into the small coffee table as it slightly tipped over causing me to squeal. "Sh-Sh-Sh-"Harry quickly calmed me down as we kept trying to walk through without making a sound. He held me back as we got to the front of the stair case as he looked over to me.

"I'm going to go check if anybody's upstairs. Stay put." He looked me into the eyes as he turned around lightly letting his feet touch the wooden stairs. I bit my lower lip as I held my hands tangled together behind my back. Butterflies were fluttering everywhere in my stomach as it felt like it was tying up in a knot. It was wrong, yes of course. Sneaking into somebody's house without permission? I was never this type of person to do this type of thing. But of course since Harry went, I went. I'm like his sister, of course I go everywhere with him. But I never wanted to be like his 'sister', yet I would hate to not be his best friend. But I've always wanted him to think of me more as a sister. I mean, who would not fall for him? I looked up as he started to trample down the stairs. 

"Run! Run!" He shouted as he started to chase for the door. My eyes widened as I heard footsteps from upstairs. I sped for the door yanking it open as I waited for Harry to run out slamming the door behind him. We ran out of the driveway sprinting to the street corner. I made a sharp turn as the house came out of sight slamming my hand on the mailbox ahead of me to stop me. I looked back as Harry caught up to me, he stopped as he let the top half of his body hang down as he was trying to catch his breath. "I'm never going to do that again Harry." I spat as I leaned against the mailbox sliding my back down, sitting down on the curb of the sidewalk. He softly chuckled as he sat next to me. "Get ready to sleep on a bench tonight; we've got nowhere to sleep." I said as I let out a soft laugh. My mum was out of the town and I apparently locked myself out of the house forgetting the key inside, and Harry's mum is out of town. "Naww... we'll try to sneak in again and get my mum's key from my dad's house." I looked over at Harry and gave him a disgusted look. 


"What? I don't want to look like a hobo..." 

I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, I've got an idea." 

He gave me a look as we stood up walking down another block heading over to my house. I ran over to the door as I kneeled down, eyeing the doorknob. I looked up at Harry. "Do you got a bobby pin to spare?"  He gave me a look.

"Why do you think I would have a bobby pin?!" 

"Well, I think you would have one since you like to pin the front of your hair back when you fall asleep..." I smirked at him as I let out a giggle sliding a bobby pin out from my hair. I stick the pin through the lock hole as I mess around with it hearing a click from the doorknob twisting it open. I smile as I push open the door. "Told you it would work." I teased him as I slid the pin back into my hair walking inside. "Want anything to eat?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen. "Uhh, yeah sure-" He cuts himself off by tripping over a chair leg as I turn around, seeing him push his arms out as his hands slam on the wall around my shoulders hovering over me. As I turn a deep red tint biting my lower lip. 

No Strings Attached~ Harry Styles Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now