The southern air temple

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Despite the fact that it had almost been two days since they had fought the fire nation prince, Lynn was still wearing his clothes. She stated that they were 'comfy'.

Deep down, she knew what was waiting for her at the air temple. Of course she knew. But Aang didn't, and that broke her heart.

For now, she and Sokka were busy distracting Aang. Sokka's job was to help guard the goal. Lynn's was to send the ball back to Aang since she could actually air-bend. So far the score was Aang 7, Lynn/Sokka 5.

Lynn's head instinctively turned as Sokka took a dive off the platform. The ball flew right past her into the goal. Aang let out a victory whoop as she leapt down to check on her sarcastic teammate. Both teens froze as they eyed the fire nation helmet.

Sokka watched as Lynn picked up the helmet. Her hair had fallen into her face, blocking out her blue eyes. Sokka couldn't help but compare her to a marble statue. "We have to tell Aang." Her voice was hollow and empty. For the first time since she and Aang woke up, she truly looked like a girl who had lost it all.

Katara called him over, but at the last second used her water bending to cover it up. A simple flick of Lynn's wrist and the snow directed itself from her and Sokka.

Lynn found herself walking alone as they explored the temple. Aang was in front, leading the way. Katara and Sokka were muttering stuff somewhere behind her. Sighing, she broke off from the group. Ōumi silently followed her master.

In no time, she had found the library. It was untouched, for the most part. Her fingers traced over the ancient scrolls. Carefully, she grabbed some on 'spiritual enlightenment'. These might come in handy later.

Lynn quickly made it back to the group who were standing in a room full of statues. Fire, Air, Water, Earth, repeat. The Avatar always on the left and the Deity always on the right, their hands interlocked. Somewhere over the course of nearly 10,000 lifetimes , the Deity had fallen out of sink with the Avatar, hence Lynn being from the water tribe. Towards the very center stood Avatar Roku and Deity Esen.

The statue's eyes flashed as Sokka joined her. "Wow, you were so pretty in your past life."

It was true, Deity Esen was pretty. She had oval shaped eyes that fit like puzzle pieces with her long, narrow face. Her robes matched the stereo typical air bender outfits, except she didn't wear a cape. Her hair was pulled back into a simple ponytail.

Lynn blinked before throwing Sokka a suspicious look. "You saying I'm not pretty now?"

The boy started to freak out and she laughed. He stopped stuttering. "Oh ha ha, very funny. You were joking, weren't you?"

Lynn nodded proudly. "Yep."

A weird sound came from behind them and all four children dove behind the statues. They all peaked around the statue as they realized it wasn't a solider.

"A lemur!"

Sokka drooled at the sight. "Dinner!"

Ōumi had similar thoughts, because she let out a shriek before flying after the lemur, claws outstretched.

Sokka, Aang, and Lynn all burst into a sprint, the last of which was yelling for her hungry pet to stop. Both reincarnated spirt Bridges used air bending to cheat and follow the lemur. Lynn carefully caught her distressed cat owl, before finally realizing what had happened 100 years prior.

Deep down, both of them already knew. But knowing isn't the same as having proof. Ōumi let out a yowl as she clawed her way out of Lynn's grasp as her eyes began to glow.

Back in the temple, the eyes of the Avatar and Deity statues began to glow, beginning with Roku and Esen and ending with Wan and his twin, Shén.

The Avatar and Deity were back, and now everyone knew it.

The Fire bender, the Avatar, and the Deity, oh myWhere stories live. Discover now