its simple. i love you. teenage romance <3

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All i can say is that, im not your typical sophmore. I dont like to party, i think alcohol tasted like old, mold infested socks, and i dont need to take drugs to make myself hyper.

Boyfriends? nope, i find that most guys my age,well how do i put his nicely, THERE ALL ASSHOLES! And i go to a small private school, i hate it, ive known all of my classmates since kindergarten, which gets quite annoying, there all scared shitless to be different, which is exactly what i am, different.

we very rarely have new classmates, which makes our selection of datable people very small.

Right now your probably thinking, "shes probably just some overweight, ugly, Harry Potter freak. Part of that is right, i am a proud member of Dumbledores Army.

Physically, I dont think im to bad looking, im about 5'6. I have stomach length brown hair, a small nose, green eyes, and my sister tells me im curvy.

That's how i look, how i act, well thats a different story. I have ADD (not literally) i love to laugh, and sing (though i suck at it :D), and i love being different!

i dont like following rules, if you tell me that if i say this or that and people will judge me, i dont care! another thing that sets me apart than the rest of the girls in my grade.

im not a slut, i dont want to dance like a stripper, ir dress like one in order for guys to like me. One day there will be a boy who likes me, not for the way i dress,

but for who i am as a person. One more thing, im really into random bands, The Beatles, Greenday, Plain White T's, my chemical romance and a bunch of other bands (especially bands from the 60-80's).

even with all of these unique traits (as all the adults in my life tell me) im not a loner. I have friends, 3 best friends, and 5 friends who im really close with, but not as close with as the others. besides that, i have a normal life, no crazy little secrets to set me apart from everyone else. Im just a regular person, with "unique traits" and i love it <3.

in my grade there are the "beautiful popular ones" heres a little description of each.

Alice: 5'8, total whore, slept with more than enough guys, bitch, shes blond and has green eyes (how cliche) and updates her facebook status about 30090908 times a minute.

Jenny: Alices little sidewhore (sidekick) whatever alice tells her to do, shell do, shes 5'6 long black hair, and blue eyes, shes claiming to be a virgin, but rumor has it she slep with her counselor at camp last year. Like Alice, she is a HUGE bitch and slut.

then theres the three guys.

Condrad: looks like a sweet sensitive guy, until you wake up and hes not there, complete player, and his egos bigger than Harry Potters. Total HOTTIE though, hes like 6'3 had light brown hair, high cheekbones, and hazel eyes.

then his best friend, Jake.

he has blond hair green eyes, and softer features, hes the nicest out of the "populars" hes never mean to anyone, and sticks up for people, even me, i had a major crush on him, in 7th grade, but I got over it

sean: oh sean, how to even describe you, the biggest dou*he bag out of all of them. and a total hottie, dirty blond hair, and the bluest eyes in the world.

then theres my friends, Natalie, Allison,and Hannah.

we are joined at the hip, and we cant be seperated. we are all pretty i would say, Allison and Hannah are twins so they look pretty much the same, dirty blond hair, and green eyes, but Hannah has freckles.

Natalie, i would say shes the most striking out of all of us, tall, skinny, blond hair, and purple eyes (purple! how f*cking cool!)

out of all my friends, im the only one who doesnt have a boyfriend, all of them are dating people they met at camp, or the guy who works at the music store.

and their personal mission is to find me boyfriend! its really funny, and quite embarrassing at times.

well my life was pretty normal until that sunny day of september 2. let me tell you the story, of Andrew Jamore.

welll theres my first chapter!!!!! omagah! i reaaly hopeee you guys like it! for the next chapter to upload all i need is, 1 vote and 1 comment! i reallllyyy hope you guys and girls like it! happy new year! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2011 ⏰

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