Prologue - Memories

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Gun looked out of the window. It was pouring heavily. It was as if the entire sky was alive with all the thunder and lightning. All this gloom was usually seen as a bad omen. But Gun had always loved rain. Not because he wanted to jump in puddles or dance under the rumbling sky but because he took it as the perfect opportunity to curl up in his bed under the comforter with a mug of steaming hot chocolate and a book, with no one to disturb him. But today he sat idle on his settee with a box. A box filled with memories. Memories he liked to visit once in a while.

He pulled out a small vintage music box. It was stark black and had small black wooden panels running all around the box, like a protective armour. It had a small handle, that when spun, opened the box and out came a little boy instead of the usual ballerina. The handle on being spun more, made the box play a tune, to which the boy started slowly spinning around. As the music played he let the memory take over:

"I got you something" said my captivator.

I chuckled and replied, "Well....? When will I get to see this 'something'?"

"Have some patience.....not much longer now."

All was silent. The only sound was his labored breathing as the big clock tower struck 12. He then slowly removed the blindfold from my eyes. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. The view in front of me was breathtaking. I turned to face him just as he took out a small cupcake from behind him. It was a simple vanilla with chocolate frosting. On top of it stood one lone candle. He slowly took out a lighter and lit the candle. "Happy birthday to you......"he sang, his face illuminated by the light of the single candle. Till his cracked voice finally stopped singing, tears were already streaming down my face. I slowly wiped them off as he whispered, "Happy birthday...." I somewhat managed a light smile. "Go ahead. Make a wish." I clasped my hands together and closed my eyes 'I wish we could stay like this forever.' I then blew out the candle.

He then brought out a small wooden box from his bag. It was quite dark so I couldn't make out its details, but it was black. He took my hand and led me to the other side of the tower where the city lights allowed me to inspect the mystery box further. He motioned me to sit down as he did the same. He slowly spun a small handle on the side of the box. Slowly the top of the box opened, revealing a small wooden boy, crafted so perfectly it looked like he was real and alive. His eyes held such emotion. He sat cross legged with his hands in his lap. He wore a simple over sized light shirt and denim shorts. His face held boyish features tied down with his eyes which held such struggle it made him look beyond his years. His fair legs held scars, scars that defined him.The scars that looked out of place but showed his journey so far. The handle on being spun more, made the box play a tune, to which the boy started slowly spinning around.

"It's you .I made him myself. You like it?" He asked me.

I sat still, I couldn't move. His eyes, laced with worry looked my way."I'm sorry if I upset you I didn't think it was such a good idea to start with. But then I thought that you probably wouldn't like it if I spent some money on a gift. So I made this. I mean Tay helped me with the box but I made the boy myse--"

My sudden hug stopped his rambling."Thank you. This is the most anyone has ever done for me. Thank you. And I love it. Thank you. You wouldn't believe how much this matters to me now. This is now my most- no, only prized possession." His face scrunched up in sadness. "What? What did I say?" I asked.

"What about me?" "Huh?" he wasn't making any sense. "You said this was your only and most prized possession. What about me? Am I not yours?" he finished with a pout. Oh... he looked so adorable.

"Oh my dear god! Are you seriously jealous of a MUSIC BOX?! That too, the one YOU made?"

His pout remained, now accompanied with mock annoyance. Ouffff......I couldn't take it anymore. While he was staring into oblivion, I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a peck on his cheek. Suddenly his expression morphed into pure happiness. He looked happier than a kid on Christmas morning.

As I was busy being mesmerized by the box, he pulled me in his arms. I was stiff for a moment. When he realised that he let go of me. But I soon recovered and pulled him close. We stood like like for a few minutes, which honestly felt like eternity.

I looked up at him and smiled," Thank you," I whispered. He looked happy," It was not THAT hard, yes it took quite some time, but I --"

"For everything. Thank you for loving me and being there for me. Thank you for letting me stand by you. And thank you, for being you," I continued.

He had on an expression I couldn't decipher. He then bent down slightly and I met him halfway there. The moment our lips crashed together, it felt like an explosion. At that moment I forgot who I was and so did he. He was opened an unending flow of something inside me, a Pandora's box of fireworks, a something I thought I had lost a long time ago. He felt like he was starved of me and when he finally found me, he consumed me entirely, leaving nothing behind.

Right then I felt that there was nothing more for for me, nothing but his love for me. The way he whispers his sweet nothings when I'm down, the way he could strip me bare and vulnerable just by looking at me, the way he rests his head on my chest just so he can hear my heart beat. At that moment I had a revelation. There was nothing more for this man than to love and cherish me.

And I couldn't survive without him.


I was wondering how to start off this story and after a week of thinking and pondering, I finally got it.

Hope you all liked this prologue. Stay tuned for the first chapter.

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