Chapter 17

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******Luke's pov****

''Have you heard something mew about Sara?'' I asked my beautiful wife who where seated by the table in the kitchen.

''I talked to her yesterday and she told me that everything is fine and they're working things out'' did she told me and i felt a big relief. What Harry did was wrong but i could tell that he wasnt himself he would never do anything to hurt Sara on purpose, i know that in the way he talks about her.

''Good to hear love but im calling Harry to check up on him'' answered i shortly back and walked in to the bedroom to call Harry.

I picked up my iphone and dailed Harrys number, maybe he's still asleep?
I need to tell him about the baby.

*****Harry's pov*****
Waking up besides Sara is the best thing on earth.
Feeling her skinn on my skinn.
Hearing her breath slowly and watch every move she make in her sleep.
I really love this women.
Her really dark brown hair was laying in a mess.
I love to finaly see her wearing my shirts again, it's a good thing.

My phone took of and i hurried up from bed and in to the bathroom to not wake Sara up.

''Good timeing you bastard'' answered i in the phone when i saw Luke's ID caller on the screen.

''Oh shut up, im only being nice'' Said luke in a irritaded voice.

''What's on your mind big boy''
I love teasing Luke he always gets mad when you call him big boy cause hes only 19 years old.

''How's everything with Sara?''
He asked me with a weird tone.
I know he's trying he's best to not say anything dumb and i really appricate it.

''Good i guess,we are working things out. But im just afraid''
I answered honestly cause there was no point to lie, he knew me too well.

''Afraid of what?'' He shortly asked

''Losing her'' i answered. everytime that though came up in my mind i got this pain in my chest, i felt so guilty.
She told me i destroyed her so why dont she leave me.

''She wont leave you Styles,if she wanted to she would probably be far gone by now'' he said.

''Thank you Lad'' i answered him and where thankfull for him telling me this.

'' I have something to tell ya styles'' he said nervouse.

''What have you done?'' I asked

''I've made my wife pregnant'' he said and my mind where out of control.

''hahahah congratulations man!
You are 19 years old and already have a wife and soon a kiddooo, you are going all in for it'' i said very truthfully and chocked. I mean beyond me and Saras fights i would never let her get pregnant at this age.
But im happy for Luke and Josefine they are going to be great parents.

After a while we hung up and i walked to the bedroom.
when i opended the door to get in my beautiful girlfriend
(I think) layed down in the bed and where smiling. She was so freaking beautiful.

''Hey'' i walked down too her and stroke her hair gently.

***** Sara's pov*****
Han kom och satte sig bredvid mig och strök mitt hår försiktigt.

''Hello'' svarade jag honom oxh gav honom en puss på kinden.
''I heard you where talking to Luke on the phone, he told you about the baby right?'' Frågade jag snabbt.

''Yeah i've heard about that, i cant believe it though'' Berättade han för mig.
Jag kunde inte föreställa mig att två nittonåringar redan ska ha ett barn och redan är gifta.
Jg tror även Harry tänkte detsamma. Jag menar jag och Harry har vart tillsammans i
6 månader nu och vi har ens inte börjat diskutera att flytta in tillsammans

''What are you thinking about love?'' Frågade han mig.

''I'm thinking about our future'' sa jag helt ärligt. Han kollade på allvarligt med en skrämd blick.
''Whoaa slow down Harold, i didnt though about babies and marriage'' skrattade jag och hans ansikte blev lugnande.

''Uhh i wasnt ready for that step'' sa han och drog in mig i honoms armar.

''Not me either'' sa jag.

''Move in with me'' sa han och jag kände att jag blev helt stel i hela min kropp.

''Wait what?'' sa jag chockerande och han bara log mot mig.

''Yeah we've been together for 6 months and i almost live here already so why dont we find a place together'' sa han och kollade på mig men en skimra i honoms ögon.

''Yeah'' svarade jag kort och han kollade chockat på mig över mitt svar.

''Yeah?'' frågade han mig säkert för att försäkra sig.

''We'll do it'' sa jag helt försäkrad. klart att det var nytt och lite läskigt men även så jukt spännande. Jag älskar honom mig än mina andetag.
Undra vad mamma kommer säga?

''I love you'' sa han och kysste mina läppar så passionerat att fjärilarna i min mage flög runt som galningar.

''And i love you'' sa jag tillbaka och kysste honom tillbaka.

(Vet att kapitlet är as kort men var tvungen att uppdatera lite!
Hoppas ni fortsätter läsa för det kommer bli bättre senare!
Tack till er som läser. Love ya lots! Kramar -H )

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