"I Do."

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Michelle's P.O.V

I look at myself in the mirror and see a  beautiful woman staring into
my eyes. "Is that me?", I ask myself... I almost didn't realize that
the woman in the mirror was none other than me. Maybe its due to the
fact that I usually never look in the mirror because I am generally
disgusted by my apparel. No its not that, its just that I look so
different. My once scraggly burnett hair is now curled. My purple
bangs rest above my forehead combed neatly behind my ears. My face
seemed nearly flawless, not a blemish to be found. I looked
astonishing!! But the real beauty came from my dress... It was a white
silken dress that reached from my shoulders to my heels. Its intricate
floral design was magnificent and to top it all off ,an amazing purple
sash with golden lacing on the edges was wrapped tightly against my
waist. I smile ear to ear. "I don't normally say this. But man , do I
look good." Suddenly there's a knock at the door.

Kristen's P.O.V

"Where is it?! Where is it?!" I say to no one. I scurry across the
room hastily knocking things over as I go. I look at the clock, twelve
fifty-six. "Shit! I'm gonna be freaking late!!!!" I scream. Suddenly
there's a knock at the door. "Ugh, Miss Davila it's time." A man says
behind the door. "Yah, just a second!" I reply. I fix my bow in front
of the mirror and run out. Outside there are two beds of flowers
surrounding the seating area. One side is purple roses and the other
red roses. In the aisles I can see my friends and family in the front
row. My eyes find Amber as she waves her hands furiously to get my
attention. I grin and wave back. In the other aisles are Michelle's
friends and family. I spot many of our YouTube friends there: Pewds,
Cry, Ken, Lizzie, Anthony, Dlive, Ziegs, Wade, Mark, Diction, Yami,
and Kat. I then take my place at the alter next to Amanda, my best
lady. Ohm is standing on the other side of the alter. He gives me an
enthusiastic smile and hugs me. "He must be Michelle's best man." I
think to myself. Then the door at the end of the white flowered carpet

Michelle's P.O.V

The large wooden doors open to reveal a beautiful granger with a white
aisle that had red and purple rose pedals scattered throughout its
length. At the end atop the alter I spot my fiancee. She's smiling
widely as I walk down the aisle ever so slightly. I feel a a hot red
blush emerge on my face. My soon-to-be wife has her hair curled just
like mine except hers is in an adorable ponytail. Her dress is the
same as well, but her sash is red with golden edges. I don't know what
it is but for some reason she made that dress work. My eyes never left
her as I walked through the standing groups of applauds. The loud
music drowned out by her beauty. As I ascended up the small flight of
stairs to stand next to Ohm, the preacher takes his place behind the
podium. "We are gathered here today..." he says. That ,however, is the
only thing I hear from him. The rest is all blocked out. I am too
focused on the beautiful woman standing in front of me. Huh I hadn't
even realized I began smiling. Suddenly the preacher says,
"Michelle..Michelle its time for you state your vows." "Huh? What? Oh,
oh yeah of course." I say hesitantly.

Kristen's P.O.V

Michelle began her vows and I almost didn't catch what she had said.
My mind had drifted off in her eyes and her melodic voice soothed me.
Suddenly, I came back to Earth and listened to the rest of her vows.
"Kristen I love you so much. You aren't just the love of my life,
you're my best friend and my own guardian angel. You saved me from
myself and helped me turn my life around. And maybe I won't always be
around to tell you I love you, but I want you to know that you're my
everything and that I will love you forever no matter what happens."
My eyes begin to get watery as she finishes ,but I can't start crying
because its my turn to state my vows.

Michelle's P.O.V

I stare intently into Kristen's eyes as she began to speak. Her one
crimson red eye shining brightly in the sun set. "Bebe...", people in
the crowd begin giggling. "I still can't get over the fact that I got
the chance to actually talk to you. Before I met you I was just a one
of your fans trying to get lucky and get a chance to talk with you. On
the day you gave me your Skype name I absolutely freaked out. I wanted
so desperately to just tell you straight up that I loved you. But,
instead I was patient and man has that gotten me a long way. I love
you so much baby and words can't even express it. I'm so happy that
I'll get to be the one who will sit by your side when you're sad, to
comfort you when your sick, to be there for you in your time of need,
and to be the one who will stick by you throughout your life. If I
were to die someday I would be happy because I know that I spent my
life with you. I love you Michelle, with all my heart." My eyes are
pouring after that speech and the crowd lets out a large "Awwww."


As the vows are concluded and the preacher states his blessings, the
big question is asked. "Michelle do you take Kristen to be your
lawfully wedded wife? And do you, Kristen, take Michelle's hand in
holy matrimony?" An eerie silence falls upon the crowd "I Do."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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