It was the middle of my third year in high school, and I had started with signs of depression a few months ago, getting out of bed every morning for me had become torture, at school, literally if I made conversation with 2 people it was a lot, I felt lonely, I cried in my bed at nights, I was sad most of the time and just focused on school so I could get good grades and get away from there forever.
From elementary school I was a shy girl, who liked to please others to have friends, I was kind to those I appreciated and I had little tolerance for rejection. When I entered high school, I tried to make good friends that I could trust well and I could leave my shyness behind, but I didn't.
The truth is that the few "friends" I made left me out. I felt rejected again for not being like them, since my personality was not outgoing. My self-esteem was very low, so I always compared myself to others and thought that maybe I wasn't pretty enough to talk with confidence, all this led me to always try to hide and not attract attention.
And worst of all, I wanted to solve all my problems, but I did'nt know how and my shyness always surpassed me despite my efforts.
Most of those in my classroom were classists, somewhat hypocritical and outgoing, but I envied them. Obviously there were exceptions, but even so, I always was nice with them, despite the fact that several only spoke to me for jobs or tasks, since I was one of those who got better grades.
This lasted all my three years of high school, but in the third year was where I fell into depression. I knew that much of it was my fault, but it was very hard, and I didn't know how to handle it, I had just turned 14 years old.
Anyway...the Christmas holidays ended and I thought everything would be better, it wasn't, however, the best was only to come ...
Lindsey Stirling - My Angel
Historia CortaThe story of how Lindsey helped me in my depression.