_f i r s t_

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hendery always wondered around his city. he was a bored man, he had nothing to do anymore. once he finished college, his parents helped him rent an apartment, they also helped him with the bills. he was thankful for everything his parents did for him. he had to look for a job. his parents werent gonna live forever. he has to make matters in his own hands. with henderys birthday passing, his bank account got filled to brim with money. a lot of money. of course he had some saved for food and other necessities but he wanted to have fun. go to a bar, get a tattoo, maybe go shopping etc. with all of these options available, he still chose to get a tattoo. he didn't think of a particular design or pattern. the boy just wanted a tattoo. and with that, he went straight to the tattoo shop downtown. once he entered the building, the first thing he saw was a free chair and a man, he looked quite short even when sitting down. he was cleaning up some tools. half of his nails were painted black but the nail polish was chipped. hendery wondered what his name was, until he saw the name tag the boy had on his chest: "Ten". he was the only person in the shop, so hendery assumed he was the one doing the job. he approached the man, lightly tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

"uh.. hi."  ten replied, in an awkward manner.
"im just gonna get straight to the point. i want a tattoo, i honestly don't care what design, im letting you choose. whatever you feel like, i want it on my arm though"
"i get that but you need toㅡ"
"cant you just do it now? theres no one else here"
"sure, but you have to pay now"
"of course"

hendery sat down on the empty chair. ten was still thinking about what design would fit the stranger. until he finally thought about something. a crescent moon. he was guessing it was the man's first tattoo so ten thought this would be perfect.

ten chose the needles he needed, putting them in the device, turning it on, he started drawing the design on the strangers arm. hendery was making all types of expressions but it was normal. it hurts the first time

it was impeccable. the way ten maneuvered the device was incredible, so gentle yet the sharp needles spilling black ink made the hand movements look aggressive.

once he finished the drawing the design, he pulled out the needles, cleaning them.

"we're done here. listen, even if it itches, don't scratch it. apply a moisturizing cream 2 times a day, and don't take a shower for now. you can come back here if something's wrong, oh, and also, this will cost you $35"
"yeah. i don't charge people hundreds of dollars even for the most complex requests"
"okay then, here you go, and thank you. it looks pretty cool. i might come back again for another one"
ten scoffed.
"sure whatever. you're welcome. hope you have a nice day"
"you too ten" smiled hendery. he really loved the new tattoo. the next thing on henderys mind was to get another tattoo, as soon as possible.

hey y'all I'm back with another book 💀💀💀 I'm sorry like I'm doing so many at once. But this idea came to mind while I saw henderys latest insta post. probably gonna do a promotion chapter on my johnjae story cuz I'm a hoe ✨ byeeeeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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