Chapter 7

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"Gwen. Are you asleep?" Who said that? I am too tired to sit up and even answer them. Whatever they need, I can help them in the morning when I am not already in the most comfortable position under the covers I have ever been in.

With my luck, they didn't get the hint that I was trying to sleep, and kept whispering my name over and over again. I rub my eyes frustrated and groan in annoyance. My hoarse voice manages to speak, "What do you want?" Of course it didn't come out the nicest.

"Gwen. I-I need you to," her soft whimpers made me sit up in my bed. Carlene's cherry red hair was out in all directions, most likely from her hands running through it multifariously. Her green eyes were filled with terror and her hands and arms were shaking so badly it made the hairs on the top of my neck stand straight up.

"Carlene? Carlene," her eyes were focused on the small window above my bed. I wave my hand in front her Carlene's face but her eyes wouldn't budge for they were glued on that window. "Look at me Carlene."

Her breathing grew rapidly as a lightning struck down outside the institution. Carlene soon began to start to have a full-blown panic attack. Her arms glued straight to her side. Her cover covering her exposed legs were thrown to the side. I have never witnessed someone have a real life panic attack, but Physical Education in 5th grade surely helped me out with Carlene.

Remind me to go thank Mr. Shari, my 5th grade PE teacher.

"Nurse! Nurse!" Number one: get medical attention for the individual. Next was to watch for their symptoms, but when I looked at Carlene she gave multiple symptoms that would scare the average person.

She had a speeding heart rate; she was sweating through her clothes even though her skin was freezing cold. She was trembling and her breathing was not normal.

I took her hand in mine and tried to put her worries to ease. "Hey Carlene. Hey it's okay. Look I am here. I'm right beside you. Nothing is going to harm you. You are safe." The nurse suddenly burst into the door. Took her long enough. Her eyes were red and droopy. She must have been asleep and an annoyed patient must of went to complain.

"Come here darling. What's the matter with her?" She directed her question towards me. The other two girls were waking up right about now. God knows how they slept through me screaming for the nurse.

"Panic attack. Something spooked her through the-," I came to realization that Carlene must have astraphobia. The fear of thunder and lightning. I put my hand on Carlene's shoulder and smoothed out her messy hair. "You're alright Carlene. Just some scary thunder. It will be over soon."

In a few minutes, Carlene's heart rate went down and her breathing went back to normal, but the thunder and lightning still continued. The nurse decided that she would go catch up on the sleep she missed dealing with us. Kathryn and Mackenzie fell back asleep as soon as Carlene announced that she was okay.

I stayed up with Carlene. I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep anyway. The thunder still boomed and the lightning still struck but Carlene stayed calm, or at least as calm as I could keep her. She still jumped and squealed every time there was a sound from outside.

"Go fish," I look up from my cards, "so when did it start?" She sighed and took a card from the large pile in between our legs. "Ever since I could remember."

"That must have been hard to live with. Got any eights?" Covering her mouth with her hand, she yawned.

"It has gotten worse throughout the years. Luckily it doesn't storm here a whole lot at this time of year. Go fish," I reach for another card. Smiling when I see what card it is.

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